New *updated* Nefertiti EP available - version number 5.5

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New *updated* Nefertiti EP available - version number 5.5

Post by Cope Gutierrez »

Hi all,
Good news:
A new Nefertiti EP is available in its number 5.5 version here: ... ertiti-mki

The people at Nord Keyboards were so kind to mail me as soon as the release was available.
It seems to correct the bad C# sample.
I personally didn't have the chance to test it out, though.

all the best,

Cope Gutierrez
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Re: New *updated* Nefertiti EP available - version number 5.

Post by emartin149 »

Clavia has a Twitter account that posts when there are new updates too!

Last edited by emartin149 on 10 Nov 2016, 16:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New *updated* Nefertiti EP available - version number 5.

Post by Cope Gutierrez »

Thanks, good to know :thumbup:

I think this update is all good news!
I see the new Nefertiti electric piano as simply the best Rhodes in the entire library. IMHO it "sparks" and has both the tone and the "mojo".

The point is I wrote them about the bad C# a while ago and they answered me as soon as they had it updated.
Moreover, they encouraged us to notice them any other bugs in the library, as they ended:
"let us know if you come across anything else!"

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Re: New *updated* Nefertiti EP available - version number 5.

Post by analogika »

I'll be sticking with the older version. I prefer their approach of reproducing real instruments' charme, imperfections and all.
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Re: New *updated* Nefertiti EP available - version number 5.

Post by De fursaK NE5 »

Funny too keep the 2 versions on a hard disk no?
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Re: New *updated* Nefertiti EP available - version number 5.

Post by maurus »

analogika wrote:I'll be sticking with the older version. I prefer their approach of reproducing real instruments' charme, imperfections and all.
@analogika, there remain enough imperfections in the new version to retain character and charme. ;)

Re: New *updated* Nefertiti EP available - version number 5.

Post by emartin149 »

>there remain enough imperfections in the new version to retain character and charm<

Sorry, I'm just not on this page. We are all still waiting for a definitive Clavia Rhodes sample that will put the rest of them in the quirky, I've-got-them-loaded-but-almost-never-use-them category.

Something without noticeable imperfections, something that doesn't require continuous fiddling with the on-board equalizer...something whose flaws don't have to called charming. No-one wants charming flaws in their Steinway or Fazio samples...ditto the Rhodes.

Clavia admitted as much when they fixed the C#. Your band isn't going to go for your "it's got character!" excuse when you are playing out of tune.
Last edited by emartin149 on 12 Nov 2016, 16:30, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New *updated* Nefertiti EP available - version number 5.

Post by analogika »

emartin149 wrote:>there remain enough imperfections in the new version to retain character and charm<

Sorry, I'm just not on this page. We are all still waiting for a definitive Clavia Rhodes sample that will put the rest of them in the quirky, I've-got-them-loaded-but-almost-never-use-them category.

Something without noticeable imperfections, something that doesn't require continuous fiddling with the on-board equalizer...something whose flaws don't have to called charming. No-one wants charming flaws in their Steinway or Fazio samples...ditto the Rhodes.

Clavia admitted as much when they fixed the C#. Your band isn't going to go for your "it's got character!" excuse when you are playing out of tune.
Actually, my bands LOVE the sound of the clavia pianos. Partly of course because I love playing them, and that transfers to the performance.

I hardly fiddle with the piano sounds at all. I treat them the same as all my real pianos and synths and other instruments - and play them for what they are. I don't need to call them "charming" as if they needed to be excused.

I rented out my Wurlitzer to a major-league TV production a while ago. It's a little less than perfect mechanically and not perfectly even, though it's almost perfectly in tune, but the electronics have been overhauled and it has a subtle magic to it that's impossible to pin down. They LOVED it (it was the third one they tried) and actually recorded an additional song with it that was earmarked for acoustic piano in pre-production.

I appreciate that you have a very different approach. But realize that it's just yours. That "no-one" wants a piano like the black upright with its slight detuning and muffled living-room sound is simply bollocks. It's one of my favorites, and it handles almost exactly like my own upright of thirty-five years.
Last edited by analogika on 12 Nov 2016, 18:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New *updated* Nefertiti EP available - version number 5.

Post by cEgws »

Regarding fiddling with the EQ, I have found so far that I do need to tweak my piano (mid eq, NE4D) to avoid obnoxious room effects depending on where I'm playing and where I've placed my amp (I'm playing through my own amp and not a PA).
I don't think this has anything to do with whether or not the instrument is 'ideal' or 'authentic.'
I'm just glad I have a dedicated hardware knob so that I can take care of this adjustment quickly.
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Re: New *updated* Nefertiti EP available - version number 5.

Post by emartin149 »

>That "no-one" wants a piano like the black upright with its slight detuning and muffled living-room sound is simply bollocks<

Oh, they are fine with it as long it is a) free, and b) just one of many options they can choose.

But if you're marching into the piano store with $3000 or more to spend on a Rhodes or a used Black upright or aren't going to be so forgiving about detunings, or "character" aspects like mixed pickups.

My point was that we are still waiting for a go-to, baseline Rhodes that is of the same quality, sample-wise, as the latest acoustic pianos. The Nerfertiti is fun but it doesn't fill that bill.

And let's all admit that if Nord was charging $ for these samples, like many of their competitors do, there would be a lot less celebration and considerably more criticism of the Nefertiti.
Last edited by emartin149 on 13 Nov 2016, 19:33, edited 1 time in total.
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