I can't manage to assign a recently added sounds (piano, sample or synth) to a Bank

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I can't manage to assign a recently added sounds (piano, sample or synth) to a Bank

Post by paulandr »

Hey, I'm new to Nord and watched all videos almost all day to figure out how to do the following, here's my use-case:

1. I'm on the nord sound manager v9
2. I downloaded a new sound
3. I transferred this sound to Instrument
4. Now, I can access this sound my keyword by going to sample 250 for example
5. But I can't assign this new sound to Bank M for example
6. Ideally, I'd like to re-organise my Bank so I get a acoustic bank, an electro bank, tribal bank and so on but I can't manage to assign any new sound to the bank - The only thing I can do with Bank is to take sounds already placed in existing Banks and moved them around other or empty Bank

I'm pretty sure this got asked somewhere but could not find the topic, I would love your help <3
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Re: I can't manage to assign a recently added sounds (piano, sample or synth) to a Bank

Post by DJKeys »


I am not exactly clear on your procedure here. When you say "new sound" do you mean a sample?

If you downloaded a sample, you need to add it to a program. You cannot add a sample to a program bank. Utilize the sample within a program, then you can add that program to any bank you wish. Le me know if I am misunderstanding you.


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Re: I can't manage to assign a recently added sounds (piano, sample or synth) to a Bank

Post by paulandr »

hey dj - thank you for getting back to me!
yes, i meant a new sample, i'm showing you my process in this video - then I'd like to add this sound / sample to any bank but it seems like i don't have any option around it -> https://www.loom.com/share/0fb03d671f0a ... c996bf7521
same issue with synth and same with piano, when i downloaded a new piano, i can't manage to add this piano to the bank B for example.
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Re: I can't manage to assign a recently added sounds (piano, sample or synth) to a Bank

Post by DJKeys »

Hi, Paul-

Your example was clear and my explanation was correct. You need to create a Program using that sample. You cannot add a raw sample to a program bank. Open an empty program, or edit an existing one, add the sample to that program, then you can add the program (which uses that sample) to any bank you choose.

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Re: I can't manage to assign a recently added sounds (piano, sample or synth) to a Bank

Post by paulandr »

It was! Sorry for not understanding in the first place - I think I was not intuitive to me to create the program based of that sample from the actual keyboard and not from the manager tool but you got me all set - thank youuu so much, time for me to go ahead and create all these programs :))
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Re: I can't manage to assign a recently added sounds (piano, sample or synth) to a Bank

Post by DJKeys »

Glad to help, good luck!


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