Nord Piano 6 wishlist?

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Nord Piano 6 wishlist?

Post by Winds »

Hi guys. Thought I'd ask this because I couldn't seem to find this kind of thread in the forums. I added the wishlist to avoid confusion/clickbait... If a Nord Piano 6 was to be released, what would be the ideal features to be added. In contrast in atypical Nord fashion, what features could be removed to make way for the new changes?
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Re: Nord Piano 6 wishlist?

Post by Nordine »

Nord Piano 5 is already a big improvement and I love it! but here is my wishlist:
  • maybe some Wheel Modulation ??
  • Let-off, Ivory Touch Key Surfaces;
  • Virtual Technician (like in Kawai MP7):
    ---> PIANO: Voicing, Stereo Width, String Resonance, Damper Resonance, Key-off Effect, Damper Noise, Hammer Delay, Fall-back Noise, Topboard, Brilliance, Tune per key, Level per key;
    ---> E.PIANO: Key-off Noise, Key-off Delay; TONEWHEEL: Key Click, Wheel Noise.
  • Another knob to control the Monitor input;
  • LINE INPUT Jack: Stereo miniature phone type;
  • Use your Nord Piano 6 as a direct Audio Interface to record directly to your computer without the need of 3rd party audio interface; (Roland RD-88 features this!);
  • Larger OLED display screen;
  • Android and iOS app that can control the Nord Piano so more quickly;
  • Micro-Tuning system
  • :D ...and why not some more larger memory for Pianos and Samples? 4Gb each, or maybe let people use external SSD :mrgreen:

Jazz pianist & co-author of "Jazzology: The Encyclopaedia of Jazz Theory for All Musicians"
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Re: Nord Piano 6 wishlist?

Post by cphollis »

I thought about this for a bit, and realized that the NP5 was the best slab piano I'd ever gigged with. For me, it's just about perfect. If I want more than it can do, I bring along my NS4C which does, well, everything.

Even if they made it lighter, thinner, bigger screen, more memory, etc. -- I don't think I'll be upgrading until my NP5 breaks, and that's going to be a very long time.
I think I have gear issues ....
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