OS upgrade necessary!

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OS upgrade necessary!

Post by eliwwjd »

Hey guys
I'm fairly months new owner of a nord stage 4 and wanted to ask any of you with vast experience with the stage. I noticed that
my OS is in a 1.14 version(it came with this version)and we are already in the 1.46. Should i really upgrade the OS or should i leave it with this version?
Also i bought a piano/patches pack but wanted to know if to transfer them to a program bank i have to disable memory protection.
Also they told me that i might needed to erase some sounds in order to free up space so that being said has anyone done this and what sounds do
you guys have erased or recommend?
Any help here is gladly appreciated. Thanks
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Re: OS upgrade necessary!

Post by Schorsch »


I'm not a Stage 4 owner (have a Stage 3 instead) but your questions are quite generic so I thought I reply:
  • Should i really upgrade the OS or should i leave it with this version?
Yes I think you should since updates do contain bug fixes and eventually added functionalities
  • Also i bought a piano/patches pack but wanted to know if to transfer them to a program bank i have to disable memory protection.
You must disable memory protection if you change anything of the existing content
  • Also they told me that i might needed to erase some sounds in order to free up space so that being said has anyone done this and what sounds do you guys have erased or recommend?
This depends on how many space is left free for the particular sound engines for piano samples or synth samples. As long as new samples fit into the free space you don't need to erase anything. You can check the available space in both the pianbo section and the synth section with Nord Sound Manager. Please note that you cannot mix and match these two memory areas. That means if you want to load a new Piano sample which has a size of 100MB and you have only 50MB free space in the Piano section but 200MB free space in the Synth section you still have to rease something from the Piano section to load the new sample, and vice versa
Regards Schorsch

Check this awesome website to visualize NS2/3 programs and re-create them on the other instrument!

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Re: OS upgrade necessary!

Post by ReneKey67 »

Moin Schorsch
Kannst du mir auch helfen?
Ich bin ReneKey67 und habe eine Frage gestellt in diesem Forum
Ich Danke Dir
Grüße René
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Re: OS upgrade necessary!

Post by Schorsch »

Hi Rene,

happy to help, but please don't write in any other language than English here since this is the only language allowed.

I haven't seen any question raised by you here yet, what are you looking for?

Best regards

Regards Schorsch

Check this awesome website to visualize NS2/3 programs and re-create them on the other instrument!

Gear: NS3C, Uhl X4V-1, 2-manual HX3.4 organ made by Tastendoktor, SL88 Studio
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Re: OS upgrade necessary!

Post by cphollis »

eliwwjd wrote: 22 Jan 2025, 12:56 Hey guys
I'm fairly months new owner of a nord stage 4 and wanted to ask any of you with vast experience with the stage. I noticed that
my OS is in a 1.14 version(it came with this version)and we are already in the 1.46. Should i really upgrade the OS or should i leave it with this version?
Also i bought a piano/patches pack but wanted to know if to transfer them to a program bank i have to disable memory protection.
Also they told me that i might needed to erase some sounds in order to free up space so that being said has anyone done this and what sounds do
you guys have erased or recommend?
Any help here is gladly appreciated. Thanks
1. Yes, upgrade periodically.
2. Yes, the NS4 comes with its memory write-protected.
3. Yes, you can load and unload samples as needed.

My best recommendation would be to read the well-written manual, and try each of the things they explain. 30 minutes doing that will make a big improvement in your experience.
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Re: OS upgrade necessary!

Post by Batacuda »

I'm also a fairly new user of NS4 and even I bought it about 2 weeks ago it was also on the old version 1.14. I upgraded to the latest OS and the only problem was that I had to find a Windows PC for I'm on Linux for more than 20 years now.
In the old OS there was no possibility to toggle Scene with a foot-switch what was unfortunate for me. In the new OS this function is added and I am very pleased about the update. Be aware, that the old paper manual does not longer describes all the new features you have to download the latest manual therefore.
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Re: OS upgrade necessary!

Post by FZiegler »

In my eyes, the Nord Electro, Piano and Stage line are meant to be used that way: Select the appropriate sounds from the Nord sample library, create your own sounds and save them where the factory content was before. You may or may not keep part of the factory content. Not all users will create their own sounds and just keep what's there - but this is waisted potential in my eyes. Just backup what you want to delete and maybe note down what was there.

This shouldn't be anything dangerous, but just normal use case.
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Re: OS upgrade necessary!

Post by ReneKey67 »

Hallo Leute
Ich bin der totale Neuling hier, habe ein Nord 1. Generation
und habe im März nen Gig.
Ich bekomme diese Transpose nicht in verschiedenen Programmen unterschiedlich gespeichert
Projekt ist auf Off, aber er speichert die Transpose nicht mit ab.
Was kann ich tun?
Danke Euch
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Re: OS upgrade necessary!

Post by analogika »

ReneKey67 wrote: 22 Jan 2025, 21:13 Hallo Leute
Ich bin der totale Neuling hier, habe ein Nord 1. Generation
und habe im März nen Gig.
Ich bekomme diese Transpose nicht in verschiedenen Programmen unterschiedlich gespeichert
Projekt ist auf Off, aber er speichert die Transpose nicht mit ab.
Was kann ich tun?
Danke Euch
Moin René,

es ist vielleicht sinnvoll, hierfür einen eigenen — entsprechend betitelten — Thread zu erstellen, da Leute sich generell an den Titeln orientieren, welche Threads sie öffnen und lesen/zu welchen sie beitragen wollen.

Amtssprache hier ist übrigens englisch. Wenn das zu anstrengend ist: Google-Übersetzungen sind völlig i.O.
Man hat sich hier auf englisch geeinigt, und die Leute aus aller Herren Länder geben sich wirklich Mühe, jegliche daraus resultierenden Verständigungsschwierigkeiten zu überwinden und zu helfen. :wave:
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Re: OS upgrade necessary!

Post by Schorsch »

ReneKey67 wrote: 22 Jan 2025, 21:13 Hallo Leute
Ich bin der totale Neuling hier, habe ein Nord 1. Generation
und habe im März nen Gig.
Ich bekomme diese Transpose nicht in verschiedenen Programmen unterschiedlich gespeichert
Projekt ist auf Off, aber er speichert die Transpose nicht mit ab.
Was kann ich tun?
Danke Euch
Rene, quick question: as an answer to your first post here earlier today, which was in German language, I asked you to use English which the the sole language of this forum as also mentioned by Analogika (and which you agreed to use when you accepted the forum rules). Is there a reason why you still use German ?
Last edited by Schorsch on 22 Jan 2025, 23:05, edited 1 time in total.
Regards Schorsch

Check this awesome website to visualize NS2/3 programs and re-create them on the other instrument!

Gear: NS3C, Uhl X4V-1, 2-manual HX3.4 organ made by Tastendoktor, SL88 Studio
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