Electro 3 Compatibility

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Electro 3 Compatibility

Post by odotdotdot »


I'm preparing a backline rider for international touring. I have a Nord Electro 3 with a bunch of patches on it that I manage with the Nord Sound Manager application.

Which Nord models are compatible with those patches if I were to backline a different Nord and download those patches onto it?
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Re: Electro 3 Compatibility

Post by Schorsch »

There is no compatibility between different Nord models, the programs used on an Electro 3 cannot be used on other models than Electro 3.

The only one which can be used on other models are the Piano samples, but programs using these samples must be rebuild on the other Nord model
Last edited by Schorsch on 31 Jan 2025, 18:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Regards Schorsch

Check this awesome website to visualize NS2/3 programs and re-create them on the other instrument!

Gear: NS3C, Uhl X4V-1, 2-manual HX3.4 organ made by Tastendoktor, SL88 Studio
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Re: Electro 3 Compatibility

Post by Tasten-Bert »

The thing is, as Schorsch said, that only the models of the electro 3 range are compatible with the programs. But if you only look at the samples, no matter if piano or nsmp files, you could copy these to all newer electro models. Since the electro 3 was not able to layer any sound, which means there‘s only one soundfile per program, I could well imagine that it might be easy to set up the most important basic programs in short time at the rented keyboard.

Worth a try. Good luck and enjoy your tour
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Re: Electro 3 Compatibility

Post by odotdotdot »

Roger. Thanks a bunch!
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Re: Electro 3 Compatibility

Post by Schorsch »

Does the Electro 3 load samples other than Pianos? I thought it does not have a sample synth engine
Regards Schorsch

Check this awesome website to visualize NS2/3 programs and re-create them on the other instrument!

Gear: NS3C, Uhl X4V-1, 2-manual HX3.4 organ made by Tastendoktor, SL88 Studio
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Re: Electro 3 Compatibility

Post by maxpiano »

Schorsch wrote: 31 Jan 2025, 18:33 Does the Electro 3 load samples other than Pianos? I thought it does not have a sample synth engine
It does, see https://www.nordkeyboards.com/legacy-pr ... electro-3/
(it has a "Piano and Sample Library Section" so 1 single section to play either a Piano or Synth sample)
Last edited by maxpiano on 31 Jan 2025, 19:29, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Electro 3 Compatibility

Post by Schorsch »

Thanks, never stop learning :-)
Regards Schorsch

Check this awesome website to visualize NS2/3 programs and re-create them on the other instrument!

Gear: NS3C, Uhl X4V-1, 2-manual HX3.4 organ made by Tastendoktor, SL88 Studio
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Re: Electro 3 Compatibility

Post by harmonizer »

I would think that anyone playing a Nord Electro 3 has some organ sounds set up.
One would probably be a B3 or C3 organ with the drawbars all at "8".
A second might be similar, but with drive added.
A third might be something with some of the drawbars lower to create a different sound.
A fourth might be a Farsifa.

Whatever programs are set up on the Electro 3 to create these Organ sounds, these are not based on piano sample files (.npno) or synth sample files (.nsmp) that get loaded into the Electro 3 via the Nord Sound Manager. Instead they are based on capabilities in the Electro 3's organ sound engine.

Separately, while we have been discussing "piano samples", be aware that sounds for an Fender Rhodes Electric Piano and Wurli are considered "piano bank sounds". Most people who are playing an Electro 3 would want at least one good Fender Rhodes Electric Piano sound to be loaded, and many would want a Wurli sound to be loaded as well.
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