Gigasampler sounds

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Gigasampler sounds

Post by Mr_-G- »

Here is a page maintained by Jon Griffin with free samples. In this case the samples are in .gig format used by the defunct Gigasampler.

It specifies that they are free and Free and the requirement is to credit the author of the gig file, so I guess that there is no problem in using those.
Now, the .gig files need to be converted into 16bit WAV files. I am struggling to find a linux program to do this. If somebody knows of one, please let me know.

Apparently this shareware program (for Windwos) can do the conversion:
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Re: Gigasampler sounds

Post by barismertpeker »

I use Extreme Sampler Converter for conversion between different kind of patches. It works very good. But only for Windows unfortunately.
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Re: Gigasampler sounds

Post by Mr_-G- »

Here is the 12 string guitar sample contributted by Tagutteberg from the website above.
Oh, it sounds unbelievably good... and so much better that the 12 string program in A:16:3 Here is the sample
(662.7 KiB) Downloaded 1545 times
and here the program (the sample should be in slot 132).
12 String Guitar.ns2p
(547 Bytes) Downloaded 1128 times
(387.94 KiB) Downloaded 7955 times
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Re: Gigasampler sounds

Post by cimiciolla »

nice guitar sounds, thx! :thumbup:
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Re: Gigasampler sounds

Post by Gustavo »

@Mr. G what's the name of that song? Isn't it one composed by Rush? Seems like a very cool recognizable riff to show off the sound :-D
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Re: Gigasampler sounds

Post by shark »

Sounds like "more than a feeling" by Boston from 1975, Gustavo. Great song and great album withnlotsa great Hammond playing by Tom Scholz, a must listen!
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Re: Gigasampler sounds

Post by Gustavo »

shark wrote:Sounds like "more than a feeling" by Boston from 1975, Gustavo. Great song and great album withnlotsa great Hammond playing by Tom Scholz, a must listen!
Definitely Right!! I guess I was confused there by a moment. I used to play this song (doing chorus voices) at the same time I was prepping up for a Moving Pictures cover, so I guess that's my confusion I played those songs at the same timespan.
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Re: Gigasampler sounds

Post by Mr_-G- »

shark wrote:Sounds like "more than a feeling" by Boston from 1975
Yes that is right, but I have no idea if it is in the right key. I think it is a very good sample.
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Re: Gigasampler sounds

Post by cookie »

For info, GigaSampler samples could be converted to WAV therefore NSMP* format using the ConvertwithMoss conversion tool.
Other formats are also available.

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