Acoustic Police-Sting

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Acoustic Police-Sting

Post by Puricella »

Hello everyone. I should start playing in an acoustic duo Piano-Bass (vocals). The bassist is also a singer. We would do a tribute to Sting-Police. With my Nord Stage3, to replace the guitar (I don't like using preset guitar sounds), I would like to use EP sounds that can "replace" the guitar (fundamental in Police songs). Do you have any suggestions on how to edit a similar sound? I'm still undecided on what approach to use in a similar acoustic. The songs are the usual ones: Every Breath You Take, Message in a bottle, Walking on the moon, etc


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Re: Acoustic Police-Sting

Post by be lee vit »

I use a combination of Yamaha CP-80 electric grand for my left hand and the Black (Petrof) Upright for King of Pain. Add chorus to the CP-80 and delay to to suit your taste and enjoy!
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Re: Acoustic Police-Sting

Post by timmmy000 »

Ciao Salvatore,
unfortunately I´ve got an NS4 (not NS3) so we need a little help from the knowledge of other forum-members...

You can realize a nice sound for "Every breath you take" with the following steps (the most should also be possible on a NS3):
- 2 way split
- lower: a combi of a dark rhodes (e.g. EP1 soft) and the muted upright-sound you can find in the Bryn Bliska Bank ( ... d-stage-4/ - there part of the mute dance program...); I will post the .nsmp4-file here later (I hope it is in terms of copyright o.k., because I don`t own any rights and I tell you her wher the free source is to find..)
- perhaps as an additional sound the square-wave-based (with a little unison or chorus) which is added in the second verse (morphed in with the wheel)
- upper: a bright piano-Sound (like the silver grand) for the part after the bridge/interlude or whatever you call it
(Scecond program - or Layer II on a NS4...)
- also on the lower part the same piano to use it in the part ("since you've gone...")

So the tricky part would be to convert a .nsmp4-file to be used in the NS3 (so as a .nsmp3-Format..) - @WannitBBBad: is it possible? :-)


P.S. I will post a first attemp with audio later...
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Re: Acoustic Police-Sting

Post by timmmy000 »

Here are my first attempts (don't blame me...the playing could be better...)

1. Every breath you take
(one Split)
Layer I (sorry, it's initially for NS4 - on NS3 we must find a solution) all is layed out on lower zone
Synth A - dark syn EPiano, Synth B - BB (Bryn Bliska) muted upright, Synth C - square-waved-pad (with chorus, morphed in by wheel)
Piano B (upper zone) - Silver grand
Layer II
Piano A - Silver grand (lower) + Piano B (same on upper zone)

2. Walking on the moon
Layer I
Piano A - white grand (a little drive, phaser, reverb amount morphed by wheel, vice versa morphed the delay for chorus-part)
Layer II
Piano B - same one but without phaser/flanger (for further verse-part)

3. Message in a bottle
(one split)
lower zone - Piano with a bit of chorus, upper zone - B3

Hope you can use this examples in any way (either they are for NS4...)

BB muted upright forte.nsmp4
(3.68 MiB) Downloaded 133 times
Every breath.ns4p
(868 Bytes) Downloaded 136 times
(868 Bytes) Downloaded 130 times
Message (1).ns4p
(868 Bytes) Downloaded 135 times
(1.87 MiB) Downloaded 138 times
(2.04 MiB) Downloaded 141 times
(2.74 MiB) Downloaded 143 times
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Re: Acoustic Police-Sting

Post by timmmy000 »

…and as I get the answer in another threads (no downward converting of .nsmp4-files) I will contact Nord or Miss Bryn Bliska if a nsmp3-conversion/-resampling is allowed…
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