Announcements / About this forum

Comments, suggestions, questions about this forum? Post it here! Also for test purposes or Off-Topic discussions.
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Re: Announcements / About this forum

Post by Johannes »

Dear all:

I can only repeat myself in saying that I am very happy about the way this forum is taking, heading to a thousand members, and, even more importantly, in the quality of peoples' posts and comments. Also I would like to thank all of you who wrote me over the last months suggesting new features, improvements, commenting or just giving some feedback on this little community. As I tried to address most of the issues mentioned, I wanted to briefly present the changes/improvements I implemented so far:

In particular I am very happy that spam registrations have almost completely disappeared since the spam question is a more "musical" registration task ;-) So far, no(!) spammer managed to pass this very simple test ;-) here is a screenshot if you registered before:
spam_question.png (5.76 KiB) Viewed 16869 times
So for the moment I don't have to go a step further asking for a Bill Evans Voicing for G7b9 or something more complicates...

Still,l with the number of members increasing, in particular, people from the US, I am particularly happy that Hanon_CTS from sunny Florida accepted to become the third Moderator with toro.larsson and Cbas to represent this geographical extension of the user base! Kudos to all three who have been generously very active with around 200 posts in sharing their knowledge, providing assistance and making this community work!!

other changes:
  • In the Nord Stage Section, I introduced a "Topic attribute:" as [NS C/EX], [NS2] or [General] which should be set with each new thread in order to indicate whether it is a NS2 specific question, Classic/EX, or General NS thread. This way, I hope to avoid confusion given the substantial differences of the NS2. (I did not want to open a new forum since still many issues are the same). So please use these attributes to make it easier to help you out!
  • The separation of NS Classic/EX and NS2 patches seemed to work well, given the incompatibility this hopefully improves accessibility of the patches.
  • Also I added a google search function in the search page if you don't succeed with the standard search engine.
  • Since I saw a couple of For Sale/Trade posts and had some requests for that, I created a new "Garage Sales" Section ( where you can post Sale/Trade/Buy Ads. So please if you have anything to buy/sell/trade, use this section only. This way, the forum should remain free from ads, for sale/trade offers or other commercial stuff. Any related posts should be moved into this new area.
  • Single Forum Feeds: If you wish to read only one or two of the fora, you can do so either by clicking on the RSS/ATOM icon in the address bar, or, if you want to add it, e.g., in Google Reader, choose the URL with a small suffix based on the number of a forum (last digits of the forum URLs) as follows: for the Nord Electro Forum or for the Nord Stage Forum or for the Nord Stage Classic/EX patches etc.
  • Photo Gallery - in order to have a central place for pictures of setups, live pictures, or from DIY jobs. In order to not let them get burried in old threads:
  • Also, if you have not yet come across, thanks Henrik/toro.larsson for his excellent MIDI tutorial(The Nord Stage MIDI Tutorial) which I am sure will help a lot of people in getting their setup right!!
  • If you ever feel like leaving this community, feel free to delete your account using the option in the User Control Center, if moreover you want your posts to be removed just send me an email.
  • Finally, since I had two requests from fellow members, you can now contribute a small donation to this forum via the Donate link on the bottom right of the page (

Have a good day!

Cheers, Johannes
Last edited by Johannes on 31 Jul 2012, 12:24, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Announcements / About this forum

Post by Johannes »

Ritchie333 wrote:Glad to see the forum is continuing to expand, and with Nord Support getting involved in a semi-official capacity. The one thing I don't like is these stars / ranks that appear next to people such as "Member", "Senior Member", "High Priest Of The Hammond", "Keith Emerson" (okay, I might have made some of those up). Are they really necessary, other than to show how many posts someone has had? That's like judging a book by how many pages it has in it.
Hi Ritchie, thanks for your comments, I agree!
With regards to the stars, I understand. I activated them just a couple of weeks ago given it is widely used (with the idea behind it of at least making a distinction between someone who just randomly has a question etc. or someone who somehow proved to be a supportive guy). But I get your pages allegory even though there are some differences.
Actually, I thought of it more of a method to in some sense reward helping others out, or sharing patches, etc., but a pure post count is indeed a bit like book pages...

Anyway, gave it another thought and removed them, in particular since I don't like hierarchies very much and maybe the stars did insinuate something like this.
Basically, I always do things kind of "into the blue" 'cause you never know what people want, so I am happy about your constructive criticism, always good if the "blue" speaks back;-)

December 11th, 2011:
  • Youtube Videos can now more easily embedded also with full links
  • Buy & Sell Section updated to make it more user friendly and photo upload easier.
  • Spam Cleanup finished
Last edited by Johannes on 31 Jul 2012, 12:24, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Announcements / About this forum

Post by Johannes »

Dear all:

I am very happy to announce that fellow member mjbrands has thankfully accepted to become a Moderator on this forum and join our team.
So :thanks: and welcome again mjbrands, surely many of you have seen him around already!
Looking forward to keep working on this community!

Last edited by Johannes on 31 Jul 2012, 12:24, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Announcements / About this forum

Post by Michael Wright »

mjbrands :thanks: :yourock:
Last edited by Michael Wright on 31 Jul 2012, 12:24, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Announcements / About this forum

Post by mjbrands »

Just what I needed; a platform to educate the masses regarding proper electrical skills.

Last edited by mjbrands on 31 Jul 2012, 12:24, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Announcements / About this forum

Post by Ritchie333 »

Clearly the boy in that photo has potential (difference?) to have a career servicing Hammonds and Leslies, laughing in the face of 110VAC like that.

Well done mjbrands!
Last edited by Ritchie333 on 31 Jul 2012, 12:24, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Announcements / About this forum

Post by mjbrands »

Both meanings of that 'potential' joke sure cracked me up, thank you for that. :lol:
Last edited by mjbrands on 31 Jul 2012, 12:24, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Announcements / About this forum

Post by bdodds »

we picked mjbrands because he's well grounded.. we're sure he'll participate in all phases of the forum without bias.. so take a load off, see what mjbrands can do, maybe we'll get some video of him ripping a hot lead on his NS2, who are we to resist?
Last edited by bdodds on 31 Jul 2012, 12:24, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Announcements / About this forum

Post by mjbrands »

I fear hot lead wouldn't be very conductive, err, conducive to the functioning of my NS2.

Bah, I think I need on my repertoire.
Last edited by mjbrands on 31 Jul 2012, 12:24, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Announcements / About this forum

Post by Johannes »

Dear all:
I am very happy to announce that fellow member Mr G has accepted to become a Moderator on the forum. I am sure you already know him from his numerous helpful posts and discussions around here!
Since mjbrands' departure as he focuses now on the World Cup in Brazil, this should allow us to continue to keep this forum a friendly and useful place.

So :welcome: again and again :thanks: to mjbrands for all your hard work and effort, hope you still find your way every once in a while around!

We look forward to keep this forum's nature and will try to moderate in the spirit of a friendly, beneficial for everyone, and kind atmosphere!

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