I hope this is the right forum for postning this

I currently play in a cover-band (hoping to making our own projects or finding someone else to play with in the future). We cover an american band called Clutch, which use/used a lot of organ sounds in their music.
Here is a short youtube-video from a gig we played last year -
This is very loud and fun rock-music, which for me is very challenging finding the right volume/balance when playing. When I practice at home, everything sounds good, but when playing with the band, I find it very difficult to have exactly the right volume/gain. I use many different customized programs for the different songs, but I find it difficult to have the right set of volume on the different programs. Even if the gain control is at the same level, some are even hard to hear when playing with full band when i turn it at max volume.
We usually only play 3-4 gig a year, because of a drummer working in the oil business, traveling a lot abroad, so when playing at smaller pubs/rock scenes, and it always seems hard for the "sound guy" to give me the right set of volume out to the audience. I know that my role is to build up the "soundscape"(?), and to spice it up with a few solos, but sometimes it can be a bit frustrating after a gig when someone tell me that they didnt hear me play because of loud guitar, bass and drums :p
Anyone have any tips/experience, or are there any accessories that can help?
(English is not my first language, so I am sorry if my descriptions are awkwardly worded