Yamaha FS keybed for project

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Yamaha FS keybed for project

Post by andyysplash »

I'v a project in mind after seeing what Marlowes did with his custom keyboard (thinking of making an all-in-one board based around a Slim Phatty and integrated FX pedals) and rather than cannabalize any old keyboard I thought I might as well pick a decent synth action to play synth parts.

To me the FS keybed feels amazing and having that control a Slim Phatty would be so much better than the plasticky keybed the LP comes with. I was wondering if there was a definitive list of boards that use this action or if there was a fairly cheap way of getting hold of a keybed.

Since I'm going to be tearing the keyboard up it doesn't matter where it comes from or even if the other synth parts work, so buying something that's essentially spares would be fine.

The price of buying 4 octaves of individual keys (no circuit board or any other gubbins) comes out at a massive £196 which is crazy considering an SY77 will sell anywhere from £150-£300 and there's some cheap boards like the XP-10 on there for under £50...

But suggestions or places to look would be welcome
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