Looking for a D50 Sample

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Looking for a D50 Sample

Post by D50Lover »

I would love to get my hands on some of the D50 String patches -- in particular the Baroque Strings patch which I have used for years. I have an Electro 3 that I could really use this patch on. There are several other really good patches available on this unit. I would also kill for some great DX-7 styly "tiney" 80's piano patches. Interestingly, I have all the keyboards, I just have not been successful in creating the patches for my EL3!

Thanks so much in advance for anything you guys can do! All the best - Pat
Last edited by D50Lover on 31 Jul 2012, 12:27, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Looking for a D50 Sample

Post by Johannes »

Hi D50Lover and welcome to the forum!

There are quite a few D50 samples created by Hanon ("Hanon des sources" as he is really a great source of Nord samples) you'll find here: http://www.norduserforum.com/nord-user- ... =d50#p3899 though the Baroque Strings is not among them as of now.

Given you HAVE the sound sources (which is great!) you don't have to kill for those samples (which I would strongly advise against anyhow...), but just give the NSM a try. Once you get to know it a bit, you shouold be fairly easily be able to create a bunch of your preferred patches (and you can share them here if you like ;-) ).
Here are some hints of how to get it work: http://www.norduserforum.com/nord-elect ... html#p6142

Last edited by Johannes on 31 Jul 2012, 12:27, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Looking for a D50 Sample

Post by Hanon_CTS »

Hello D50Lover,
It's really well worth getting into making your own sample sets, and not as hard as you might imagine.
The most expensive part of the process is the audio interface ($30)

With a little practice, a sample set can be done and loaded in about 10 minutes.

Here's a post that I did that outlines the steps necessary:

My studio is completely disconnected (again) or I'd get right on making a sample for you.
Cheers, Hanon

I have added Baroque Strings and Staccato Heaven to my D50 samples post here:
http://www.norduserforum.com/nord-user- ... html#p3899
Last edited by Hanon_CTS on 31 Jul 2012, 12:27, edited 2 times in total.
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