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Re: How to keep the pedals from sliding?

Posted: 27 Mar 2024, 23:57
by Mr_-G-
I like the idea of surrounding the pedals with the trim!

Re: How to keep the pedals from sliding?

Posted: 03 Nov 2024, 17:44
by onthecorner
I saw Maceo Parker a few years ago at a college. Keyboard player's pedal was sliding around and he had to grab it and readjust mid gig. I thought, hey, he's just like me! And I also realized how distracting that looks.

But yeah, a mat with velcro works well. Not something I usually end up carrying around because I'm doing mostly bar gigs and no one cares, but for gigs where someone is paying attention it's helpful.

Re: How to keep the pedals from sliding?

Posted: 04 Nov 2024, 23:22
by Tasten-Bert
In case of a Roland DP10 I just fix its rubber mat with a strip of gaffa tape on whatever stage floor there is. It is visible at the bottom of the attached foto.
As for sustain switches like the common Yamaha I have a different trick which I can only explain in a video, I may add it later.

Cheers from MeinSchiff 3 somewhere on the Atlanic.

Re: How to keep the pedals from sliding?

Posted: 05 Nov 2024, 01:56
by Schorsch
The DP-10 are the only ones which don’t slide when I use them, but also fixing them with some Gaffa tape is a good idea.

Other question: which holder do you use for the mixer below the 18950 and how did you fix them at the stand?

Re: How to keep the pedals from sliding?

Posted: 05 Nov 2024, 17:07
by Tasten-Bert
It is a balcony-flower-pot-holder from obi or any other DIY-shop, cut a bit in its width and mounted with long screws in self-drilled holes. Some foam stickers at its inside help fixing the mixer properly.

Cheers and good luck whatever happens tonight.