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Re: Accordion

Posted: 05 Jan 2019, 23:02
by Adovbush
So there is no preloaded like stock when you just buy it? You have to download it only?

Re: Accordion

Posted: 05 Jan 2019, 23:07
by Schorsch
I don’t remember if there was a preloaded Accordion on my Stage 3 when I bought it new, I have erased everything and just loaded or created the samples/programs which I need and also arranged all samples and programs in the order I need.

But it’s very easy for you to load the various accordions into the stage 3, play with them and find out which one and with which sound settings (EQ etc) suits you best

Re: Accordion

Posted: 05 Jan 2019, 23:33
by Mr_-G-
Hi Adovbush, can we ask you to please post each question only once (you did it three times in this topic!). Duplicate posts and repeated (duplicated threads) will be deleted. Thanks.

Re: Accordion

Posted: 06 Jan 2019, 00:54
by Schorsch
Adovbush wrote:
So there is no preloaded like stock when you just buy it? You have to download it only?
I suggest you connect your Stage to a computer, start Nord Sound Manager and check the programs and samples available on your NS3 if you want to know whether there is an accordion preloaded or not. If you can’t find it you would have to load one of the accordions from the library to the Stage