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Re: Nord stage 4 midi Clock

Posted: 02 Dec 2023, 14:44
by StuartR
Ecaroh wrote:To be precise Nord Stage is NOT meant to send midi clock, as far as I know. Since the beginning Stage models have only synced to incoming Midi clock. But now the crucial problem is that NS4 do not sync properly to it. It was the first issue I found when I got NS4 on early June and I reported it to Clavia and also put it to Bug sheet (ID 33). From Clavia I got a response that they are trying to fix it. Well now 6 months later situation is same. I’ve asked couple of times and always answer is that they are looking into it. What the h**l, is there something really wrong in hardware or are they seriuosly trying to fix this? I know there are many other Midi related issues but still I see this quite strange that nothing seems to happen. Big question is that why did they release their 4K flatahip product with so many crucial problems which make them quite unusable is certain setups like mine…?
It's indeed very frustrating. I had never purchased a flagship keyboard product that was actually shipped with a documented feature that didn't even work until I bought a Nord Stage 4. (In case you're wondering, that feature was "Undo".)

Re: Nord stage 4 midi Clock

Posted: 02 Dec 2023, 17:31
by Ecaroh
Let’s see how long I need to wait until I can fully use my NS4 with my setup. Now it’s over 6 months. Glad I did not sell my NS3 which still does its job quite well. Don’t get me wrong, I can live this and world has bigger problems than mine, but still this is something I haven’t yet experienced with my quite long personal history with Nord products.

Re: Nord stage 4 midi Clock

Posted: 10 Nov 2024, 04:07
by rapdup
Gazerith wrote: 23 Nov 2023, 21:33 The Nord Stage 4 cannot send or receive clock sync.
It is a known issue - Nord is aware. Theyre just taking a long time to fix it.
Very frustrating.
The clock sync receive wanders and jumps randomly. It always takes up to 16 bars to get in time.
Totally unacceptable from such an expensive product.
:wave: First to forum & new to Nord

Looks like this thread (and issues) are 18 months old. Has anyone heard/seen any movement on this? I'm getting buggy behavior my on my NS4 when trying to run an ARP off external MIDI clock.


Re: Nord stage 4 midi Clock

Posted: 11 Nov 2024, 09:42
by Bardenmeister
Clock over USB seems to work more consistent (still small jitter) but Clock over MIDI is straight up unusable.

Even on the current firmware of 1.46 it is still not functional.

If you are required to sync your NS4 then the only viable way right now is to use a Computer and USB clock.

As a first time Nord User this is really baffeling and I had trust that this issue might be resolved within the year but yeah here we are...

I hope they are cooking on a v2.00 which deals with all the issues.

Re: Nord stage 4 midi Clock

Posted: 11 Nov 2024, 18:15
by rapdup
Yeah, that’s exactly what I’ve been experiencing: MIDI over USB works, but it can take 4–5 measures to sync. While it’s syncing (which only happens when a note is being played), it arpeggiates at some random BPM (~4x speeds in my experience), so it’s not discreet. When I’m tracking, I have to set the preroll accordingly…and cycle recording is out of the picture as it loses sync on each loop restart. Obviously, live performance with this is out of the question.

I love so much about this keyboard and was excited to finally join the Nord family, yet this is a fundamental/big issue and has been so for such a long time, I am absolutely FLOORED.

Re: Nord stage 4 midi Clock

Posted: 25 Nov 2024, 07:15
by rapdup
Just a quick follow-up. I reached out to Nord customer support. They let me know the most recent OS update—which came out only a few weeks ago—might resolve the problem. I gave it a try and indeed it does. Very happy!