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Re: First Rhodes factory preset

Posted: 09 Jan 2025, 21:46
by maxpiano
@M_a_c: You could just unzip the NE6 Factory backup file and pickup that Program only (5 minutes work)

Re: First Rhodes factory preset

Posted: 09 Jan 2025, 21:52
by M_a_c
Thanks for that hint! But I´m out on a Business-Trip today and have a Gig tomorrow and on Saturday... I´ll see Sunday...
Lots of Hotel-Time, Internet, but no red Key in range...
:angel: :thanx:

Re: First Rhodes factory preset

Posted: 10 Jan 2025, 18:24
by Arni61
M_a_c wrote: 09 Jan 2025, 21:20
Arni61 wrote: 09 Jan 2025, 13:25 Would you be willing to provide your Stockholm replicas for the NS4? I also use the NS4 73. Is there a reason why you have an Electro6 in addition to your Stage4?
No trouble - I´ll check my NS4 at the weekend and create some Bundles...

The reason for the NE6? It quite clear, that you can play the Organ on the NS4HA, but when you like to "escalate" an Organ Solo, you´ll need a corresponding Keybed... I had a Yamaha MX49 above the NS4, but I like to play my Organs too here and so I changed to a Roland VR-09 as upper Key... Lots of Synth Stuff, but the Organ was not Hammond-alike enough... I changed to a Yamaha YC61 with a great Hammond-Feeling, but there the other Sounds did not satisfy my requests... So I sold my old NE573 and choose the NE6D61 as Organ-Keybed to extend the NS473HA... I think the Nord Waterfall Keybed is a great invention and I like to play Organ on it... If I need Synth-Feeling incl. Mod, Pitch and Aftertouch, I take the NS4... But as most of my Analog-Synth-Sounds coming as Original from not-velocitiy-responding-keyboards, I can get along with with the NE6 and its 61Keys are more smart to carry from one rehearsal to the next...

Let me remark, that I found the NE5-Organ much warmer and the NE5-73c Keybed not that hard to touch / play, as I have it with the NE6 - but anyway: i`m satisfied!
Many thanks for creating some Bundles!

Re: First Rhodes factory preset

Posted: 10 Jan 2025, 18:29
by Arni61
Is there a way to read the settings of a factory preset directly on the Electro6?

Re: First Rhodes factory preset

Posted: 12 Jan 2025, 22:03
by M_a_c
Okay... Im on the N6D and I base on the Factory Rev. E. Find a .pdf with the preset-list attached. There is a "Stockholm MK I" at A12 and also "Nefertiti MK I" at A22. Let' don't talk obout ORGAN or SYNTHPLAYER Settings. Your required Samples should be the "EP9 Stockholm Lrg 6.0" and the "EP8 Nefertiti XL 6.2". Feel free to choose an other Quality-Level for your NS4 - I have the highest in...

Both Programs are very smooth, while my required EPs on stage need more bite and a bit of Phazer or even Chorus, but the Charme of this clean EP with a smart portion of Tremolo is also quite sympatic for decent playing.

The "Stockholm MK I" has SUSTPED-On, KBD Touch1, no Piano EQ set. EFFECT1 is set to PIANO with TREM1 and Rate 4.3. REVERB is on STAGE an its Rate 2.3. Main EQ is set to PIANO with Treble +4,3 / Freq 758/ Gain +1,2 / Bass +2...
That`s all - quite simple...

The "Nefertiti MK I" is quite similar: SUSTPED-On, KBD Touch0, Piano EQ set MID. EFFECT1 is set to PIANO with TREM1 and Rate 4.2. EFFECT2 is set to Piano with VIBE and Rate 2.5. REVERB is set to STAGE and Rate 1.7. No MainEQ set...

Re: First Rhodes factory preset

Posted: 12 Jan 2025, 22:13
by M_a_c
I quick rebuilt the "Stockholm MK I" on the NS4 - if you have the XL-Sample-Version installed, you just need to load the Program in.

I checked for other Stockholms I copied from the NE6, but there was currently only the Gritty MK I - real powerful, but also nice and smooth playable.

If you like to talk about other NE6 Stuff, I recreated on the NS4, or what NE6 Sounds I kept and what ignored or even what Sounds I prefer on the NS4, we should talk offtopic and live - write me a P.M. or find my contact data is on my Webpage. In the end those Sound preferences are always very subjective and should not be spread here in the Forum.
:angel: :thanks:

Re: First Rhodes factory preset

Posted: 12 Jan 2025, 22:26
by M_a_c
Arni61 wrote: 10 Jan 2025, 18:29 Is there a way to read the settings of a factory preset directly on the Electro6?
Not directly - but if you load a Program in the Ne6, you only have to read / transfer the few settings. But be aware, that the Settings are not simply compatible. F.e. the rate of the TREM is not normed and a 4.2 on the NE6 is more a 2.8 on the NS4. The same with DIstortion and the other things.

As I like to take own Samples, I`m used to have the original Keyboard aside anyway. The Raw-Sample want´s to be set with ADSR, Velocity and FX equal to the original and I compare it directly with the Source-Keyboard (f.e. my XP-60 with my NS4). So with the NE6 (but the Sample is already there in the NS4 by Nord). To have the nice NE6-Sounds in my NS4, I first took the settings 1:1 and then did the real re-programming by comparing Key1 with Key2 (in this case NE6 and NS4)...