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Re: Looking for 'Don't you - Simple Minds' sample

Posted: 17 Apr 2017, 15:12
by ericL
You should be able to download the P5 Spit Brass BR.nsmp and move that into your NE4. That will give you the synth brass sound that is needed for the song.

Re: Looking for 'Don't you - Simple Minds' sample

Posted: 17 Apr 2017, 21:38
by Berretje
Hi Monica,

You're mixing up 2 parts:

ns2p is the Nord Stage 2 program and the nsmp file is the sample (which your Electro can load). You only can't adjust that much of the sample in the Electro (filtering, etc).
Since this request was made for the Nord Stage 2, this is all you can get.
