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Re: NS3 Bug reports etc.

Posted: 20 Sep 2017, 23:38
by baekgaard
lordy wrote: .. i think the category button does not work at all...
If I press shift and the program dial at the same time to get to the list mode; I can then press the 3rd program/song part button to see all categories, or the 4th button to only browse the current category. If I press and hold the 4th button I can use the dial to change the selected category.

Very useful feature, that appears to work here for me.

It's the same thing for the synth and piano dials. For the piano, it gives you a "quick" way to jump to another category (and then confine selection to that category).
.. i think vintage 1 mode for organ has no effect (same as 1.04)
As for the Vintage mode, it certainly has an effect here (as it had in 1.04) -- but it's very subtle (and way more subtle than in my NE3, IIRC)!

One way to hear a difference is this: Pick a B3 sound, switch OFF the rotary and other effects, and switch off all vibrato/chorus. Go into the sound menu/tonewheel mode (3/9) and select Clean. Pick a sound like 8880 3000 1 and play the two notes A and B around the "Res/Freq HP" knob. While you hold down the notes, change the tonewheel mode from Clean to Vintage 1. You should now hear a (very faint) low frequency snare. You can go to Vintage 2 to hear it more clearly, in case you want to "tune in" to the noise. You can also (just to make it stand out more) engage the EQ section, increase the Bass to max, and dial in the midrange to the lowest possible frequency and set the level to maximum. This should make it quite clear (sort of) -- at least when you alternate between Clean and Vintage 1.

I can hear the difference clearly when using headphones (as I could with 1.04), but it definitely is very faint.

Whether this is the intended behaviour, I don't know -- it's very subtle. But it Vintage 1 is not identical to Clean (on my instrument at least).

Re: NS3 Bug reports etc.

Posted: 21 Sep 2017, 00:28
by lordy
Thanks baekgaard ,
..very useful the all/cat option, great feature.

..for the leakage modes, on the other hand, there is a problem i think. vintage 2 makes artefacts sounds, and clean and vintage 1 no artefacts at all. I am sure.

Re: NS3 Bug reports etc.

Posted: 21 Sep 2017, 07:56
by baekgaard
lordy wrote: ..for the leakage modes, on the other hand, there is a problem i think. vintage 2 makes artefacts sounds, and clean and vintage 1 no artefacts at all. I am sure.
Here's an audiogram (stereo in this case) of me playing the two notes above, with the settings above. I start playing the clean setting around the 22s mark, around 24s I change to vintage 1 and a bit after 26s I change to vintage 2.

As can be seen, the artefacts appear when I change from clean to vintage 1, and becomes much stronger when I change to vintage 2. I can also hear it -- clearly but it's subtle. It appears mainly as a low frequency artefact (signal) for the vintage 1 setting, as can be seen.


If you tried the same setup as I suggested above, and don't hear anything (like you say you're sure about), I guess there must be something different between your and my unit then? Not sure what settings could be causing this, though.

Re: NS3 Bug reports etc.

Posted: 21 Sep 2017, 22:41
by fjzingo
Updated to 1.12 today, a great update with many fixes.Way to go Clavia!

Re: NS3 Bug reports etc.

Posted: 21 Sep 2017, 23:09
by lordy
Great job baerk,
Try this: when you select normal/high key click, it produces the leakage vintage 3.

Re: NS3 Bug reports etc.

Posted: 21 Sep 2017, 23:19
by tomzi
"Dual KB mode now has options for addressing either all of Panel B, or only one of its sections. This is done by keeping Dual KB pressed down and selecting the appropriate setting (Panel, Organ, Piano or Synth) using the dial."
Does that mean that if you select just one section out of panel B for "dual KB", Will I still then be able to use the rest of Panel B for the internal keyboard, and will it be possible to layer panel A and "the rest of panel B" if only using one section for "dual KB" and is it possible to store these settings with a single programm?

Re: NS3 Bug reports etc.

Posted: 21 Sep 2017, 23:22
by baekgaard
Great find, @lordy: So when you select Key Click High, it's not only the click that becomes high, you also get a bit more high frequency "grit"/artefacts in all of the settings. And yes, with Key Click on High, it's like the old vintage 3.

Re: NS3 Bug reports etc.

Posted: 21 Sep 2017, 23:28
by baekgaard
tomzi wrote: Does that mean that if you select just one section out of panel B for "dual KB", Will I still then be able to use the rest of Panel B for the internal keyboard,
Yes, that is how it works. If "Dual KB" mode is NOT set to Panel, then the internal keyboard will play the remaining two instruments (when Panel B is enabled, of course, and I assume it works also with splits etc).
and will it be possible to layer panel A and "the rest of panel B" if only using one section for "dual KB"
Yes, if you enable both Panel A and B, then all of Panel A plays as well as the two non-selected instruments in Panel B.
and is it possible to store these settings with a single programm?
Yes, it's stored with the program.

Re: NS3 Bug reports etc.

Posted: 21 Sep 2017, 23:30
by baekgaard
fjzingo wrote:Updated to 1.12 today, a great update with many fixes.Way to go Clavia!

Re: NS3 Bug reports etc.

Posted: 21 Sep 2017, 23:31
by tomzi
:thumbup: Thanks baekgaard, that´s really great.