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Re: The Nord Piano wishlist
Posted: 16 Feb 2017, 05:52
by Boatguy
hernan1304 wrote:Boatguy wrote:
3) We should be able to rename sounds/sample files. The factory names are inconsistent (just look at the naming of the 8 factory e-pianos) and make poor use of the available display space.
Pretty sure you can do that through sound manager (I could be wrong, but I remember deciding recently to not rename the sounds because then I wouldn't remember which sound on the library it corresponds with).
Yes, you can rename it in the Sound Manager. But you can't rename the files to correspond to your new names. Apparently the Nord name is buried in the file somewhere and some part of the Sound Manager depends on it. When I renamed files to match my names it essentially broke the Sound Manager so I had revert everything.
We should be able to rename everything because the Nord naming is entirely inconsistent. Just look at the electric piano names. EPiano 1-4 are pretty consistent, then there is EP5 and EP6, and then Epiano7. Three different naming "conventions". Sloppy.
Re: The Nord Piano wishlist
Posted: 12 Mar 2017, 06:30
by SteveNordP3
Having used the P3 for over a month now, here's my wish list:
#1 by far - use anything but the Fatar keyboard. With the unbelievably gorgeous and inspirational piano samples available by Nord, the potential promise of expression from a GREAT keyboard is frustratingly just out of reach with this Fatar keyboard. What a shame. I've had Yamaha and Roland digital pianos whose feel is FAR superior to the Fatar...such a loss!!
#2 - even more piano memory - honestly - I'd love to just have the whole library of all pianos available all the time.
#3 - allow edits of samples to just assign them to certain areas of the keyboard. I like to layer sounds and want the ability to layer (for example) a bass sound with a piano but have the bass play in the lower two octaves and nowhere else. Frustrating to not be able to do that.
Even with these suggestions - the piano sounds are simply the absolute best ever. The NP3 is still the holy grail to me, warts and all.
Re: The Nord Piano wishlist
Posted: 21 Mar 2017, 06:29
by waifu slave
I wish for an anime theme :3
Re: The Nord Piano wishlist
Posted: 06 Apr 2017, 20:14
by hernan1304
Unbelievable that the new Stage 3 will have double the piano memory as compared to the PIANO 3....
Re: The Nord Piano wishlist
Posted: 26 Apr 2017, 04:25
by Boatguy
hernan1304 wrote:Unbelievable that the new Stage 3 will have double the piano memory as compared to the PIANO 3....
Yes! Maybe this some very expensive sort of memory, but how is it my $700 phone has 128GB and my $3,000 keyboard only 1GB?
Re: The Nord Piano wishlist
Posted: 26 Apr 2017, 09:36
by mon8169
Boatguy wrote:hernan1304 wrote:Unbelievable that the new Stage 3 will have double the piano memory as compared to the PIANO 3....
Yes! Maybe this some very expensive sort of memory, but how is it my $700 phone has 128GB and my $3,000 keyboard only 1GB?
You don't use all the 128GB at the same time, isn't it? In your $3,000 keyboard all the 1GB memory is loaded at the start and remain ready to use at any time.
Re: The Nord Piano wishlist
Posted: 13 Jul 2017, 01:43
by Rychubil
I'm still waiting for bit heavier and more classical version of NP, like Fatar TP40 wood for example.
Also I desire XL version of Steinway model B sample.
Re: The Nord Piano wishlist
Posted: 18 Oct 2017, 00:14
by Boatguy
It takes forever (ok, 6 minutes) to change out a piano. So when I shuffle my pianos, it takes 30-45 minutes. I'm guessing the memory is very slow because the USB connection is much faster than that.
So my wish is for faster memory so it takes less time. Or just a whole bunch more memory so I can load everything and never have to shuffle in/out.
Re: The Nord Piano wishlist
Posted: 31 Dec 2017, 18:52
by rickb
Hi all, this is my first post here.
I've had my NP3 for a week. Love it!
Here are some suggestions for software-only changes (which could therefore come in an new OS version)
1. Add support to synth sounds to receive MIDI pitch-bend, modulation and aftertouch messages. (Obviously, these would only be playable from an external MIDI source because the NP3 doesn't have the hardware.) This would be useful in studio situations.
2. Add depth control to effects 1&2: by holding Shift, effects 1 & 2 rate knobs would have an added function of setting the depth of the effect (the Deep button would still be useful too)
3. Effects 1 & 2 depth value would have MIDI support through a new CC number for each of them.
Other issues:
* In terms of hardware aspiration, I'm slightly unimpressed by the 1G/256M memory onboard - it's not really enough.
* Others have complained about the USB upload/download speed. Yup, this is soooo last decade.
Otherwise, it's a good machine.
Re: The Nord Piano wishlist
Posted: 31 Dec 2017, 19:17
by rickb
The Nord Sound Manager user interface doesn't allow any grouping by button. The five program buttons are an important feature of the NP3 controls, but are blissfully absent from NSM. This doesn't make sense.
In NSM, it would be a great help to have an option to view/organise programs in FIVE columns, as well as one column. Then it would be easier to organise them so that the right programs are found easily and quickly.
The dual column mode might not be needed then (although it serves a different purpose I suppose).