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Re: Nord Stage 3 - hammond B3 Sound

Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 16:16
by maurich
I try to find this menu in new NS3... I took this photo from my NE5D. Is it possible to NE5D have so much more options on organ than NS3???

Re: Nord Stage 3 - hammond B3 Sound

Posted: 19 Oct 2017, 17:46
by lordy
I just read the ne5, and there is much more than the ns3 about the hammond.
...and there clean, vintage 1, 2, highter..........Nord has not fixed yet this issue in the ns3. Vintage 1 does not work, and there is not any vintage 2 or highter. Why ?

Re: Nord Stage 3 - hammond B3 Sound

Posted: 20 Oct 2017, 10:20
by Selbendersing
Are there any informations about the Version of the B3 sym?
Is it the same as in the Nord Stage 2, or is it a new version?

Re: Nord Stage 3 - hammond B3 Sound

Posted: 20 Oct 2017, 12:05
by maurich
Selbendersing wrote:Are there any informations about the Version of the B3 sym?
Is it the same as in the Nord Stage 2, or is it a new version?

They said in NS3 is C2D organ machine... and I have it on NS2 there was C2 version...
But in NS3 menu has less more options than in NE5D. Maybe they updated that on next firmwares... 8-)

Re: Nord Stage 3 - hammond B3 Sound

Posted: 20 Oct 2017, 12:18
by Selbendersing
Okay, thanks.
Is it an information from Clavia?

Re: Nord Stage 3 - hammond B3 Sound

Posted: 20 Oct 2017, 13:53
by maurich
Selbendersing wrote:Okay, thanks.
Is it an information from Clavia?
No. But we all see, somebody in Clavia read this forum and fix problems very I hope we can have all the features from NE5D in the future...

Re: Nord Stage 3 - hammond B3 Sound

Posted: 20 Oct 2017, 14:07
by maurich
Selbendersing wrote:Okay, thanks.
Is it an information from Clavia?
No. But we all see, somebody in Clavia read this forum and fix problems very I hope we can have all the features from NE5D in the future...

Re: Nord Stage 3 - hammond B3 Sound

Posted: 20 Oct 2017, 14:43
by Murphy
I have a NE5D too and can see that all of the options available for my NE5D are not available in my NS3C. But it's my belief that Nord will take care of this in a future update. It might take a few months because all of the features available in the NS3C are complicated -- but it separates the Stage 3 from the rest of the keyboards. Just my two cents! I don't think they read the forum every day, but they're listening. It's possible this keyboard was more complicated than they originally thought. But one reason I've switched to Nord is that they update their keyboards years past when other companies have completely forgotten they ever made that particular keyboard. Again, just my two cents.

Re: Nord Stage 3 - hammond B3 Sound

Posted: 20 Oct 2017, 14:51
by anotherscott
Selbendersing wrote:Okay, thanks.
Is it an information from Clavia?
The information about which organ engine (C2, C2D) is in which Electro and Stage models is from Nord, it's on their web site. Whether they will add all the NE5D organ functions to the NS3 is unknown.

IIRC, the NS2 did not have every organ option the NE3 had, at least one of the Vintage settings was missing, the one that had background noise all the time, even when you're not playing. The funny thing is, that's the most authentic, though whether or not that means it's desirable is a different question!

Re: Nord Stage 3 - hammond B3 Sound

Posted: 20 Oct 2017, 15:58
by Rusty Mike
One feature not available on the Stage 2EX was the percussion "stealing" from the 1' drawbar. On the Stage 2EX, the 1' drawbar stays active when you engage the percussion (not the normal B3 behavior), and there is no way to override that. It's a feature I use a lot on the Electro, and am somewhat bugged I can't do it on the Stage.

I don't know if this is something they changed (or intend to change) on the Stage 3. Even if they did, the upgrade cost to gain that one feature is not worth it to me.