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"Octave Tron" Sample

Posted: 16 Aug 2011, 10:16
by YvesEchoes
Hi !

Here's my first try of sampling :)

This sound is an Mellotron's strings ensemble, I made it from a Kurzweil PC3 sound (great thanx to Joche for the samples !!! :clap: ).

I'm quite satisfied of this sample, it sounds really close to the original Kurzweil sound.

The only problem is that it's quiet heavy (18 MB) ...

i've also made a "light edition" of this sample, but it's still quite big ...

Every suggestion to improve this sample is welcome :)

As you will see on the attached program, you have to switch one octave down to get the right sound, I've been wrong with the samples ...

Re: "Octave Tron" Sample

Posted: 16 Aug 2011, 14:26
by Frantz

Could you make a small "mp3" for us to listen what kind of sound it is please ?


Re: "Octave Tron" Sample

Posted: 16 Aug 2011, 15:53
by YvesEchoes
Yes I've got to find a bit of time to do that ... :)

Re: "Octave Tron" Sample

Posted: 16 Aug 2011, 21:47
by pp3f4577
Hi !

thanks for your job.
Continue making personal samples, it's so enjoying.


Re: "Octave Tron" Sample

Posted: 16 Aug 2011, 23:03
by YvesEchoes
ok guys, here's the demo :?

on the file "ironbird", you can hear the original sound, played with a Kurzweil PC3 (the file is a part of a song of my band, Echoes, the song will be on our next record).

on the file "Demo Octave Tron NE3" you can hear the sample played with my NE3 (one octave down, and just a bit of stage reverb).

Re: "Octave Tron" Sample

Posted: 17 Aug 2011, 11:13
by Frantz
Thank you Yves !

Re: "Octave Tron" Sample

Posted: 17 Aug 2011, 15:19
by YvesEchoes
you're welcome ! :)

... and so is every feedback ;)