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Pink Floyd Sound

Posted: 09 May 2010, 17:39
by Johannes

since in my band we considered just for fun playing some old Pink Floyd songs, I started to work on some patched trying to emulate Richard Wright's playing on organ and Synth. While I really love their sounds, its hard to get close unfortunately.
So far I did a patch for Shine on your crazy diamond which took me a while but no I am fairly satisfied. In general, I find the organ part to nail any given sound quite easily while to get the Lead Synth is hard, its a nice warm trumpet-like MiniMoog and I am still working on getting the typical trumpet like attack at the beginning. Tried with simultaneous FEG&AEG but not yet convinced. Any way, feel free to comment or do your own or improve on this one. Also I am aiming at getting more PF sounds but will take some time...

EDIT: Just worked a bit mor on it, including triedto get the kind of water drop like falling pattern at the beginning of the LP Wish You were here version right, so had to use two patches since I needed 3 Synths

Re: Pink Floyd Sound

Posted: 12 May 2010, 11:47
by Pabl
Sounds quite nice regarding the Stage limitations at Synth partition.
I will try to load the patch in the Stage and play variations from it. Dunno when I will be able, but if I am I will post results here.

Thanks a lot for sharing.

Re: Pink Floyd Sound

Posted: 31 May 2010, 15:58
by Johannes
Lately started to play around with "Echoes" I really liked the Grand through the Leslie Sim:

In general, early Floyd Stuff is hard to do with only one Synth, in particular ECHOES would need a pad and a a second or third keybed (btw, anyone managed to work with splits using a second controller?? they never seem to work for me...)

Re: Pink Floyd Sound

Posted: 31 May 2010, 20:20
by waaktaar
My favourite sounds atm are EP's through loads of leslie, or ampsim-distortion+autopan.

Re: Pink Floyd Sound

Posted: 09 Jun 2010, 12:13
by DoctorC
I downloaded both of the patches to my PC but when I uploaded them into the keyboard I got the B3/pad on the lower split and the 'drops' on the upper split - and no trumpet synth sound. Also, both patches sounded the same.
Am I doing this right??

Re: Pink Floyd Sound

Posted: 17 Jun 2010, 12:43
by Johannes
Hi DoctorC,

just reuploaded the Patches to my Sage and they work as expected. There are two patches, one featuring the very intro on the album version using a white noise sound and the second "Shine on your.nspg" which has the signature lead sound.
And be sure that both patches are activated! Otherwise it should work!


Re: Pink Floyd Sound

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 14:55
by DoctorC
Thanks Johannes, I'll give it another try.


Re: Pink Floyd Sound

Posted: 02 Jan 2011, 17:16
by TheCapMan
Sounds very cool!
But how can you play the organ,the white noise and the leadsound simultaneous?
If i turn the Programmknob the Sound stops momentary but and then continues... That sounds not good...
So how did you manage that?

Re: Pink Floyd Sound

Posted: 02 Jan 2011, 19:51
by Johannes

true, actually, when recoprding, I cheated a little bit in audacity ;-).

Anyhow, I was working more on this sound anyhow and finally after some tweaking I finally got what I would call my best guess for the Crazy Diamond in ONE patch:
Panel A: Organ for the Pad (left split), Moog Lead (right split)
Panel B: the dripping sound at the Intro. (only on the Album Version on "Wish you were here")
Now the good thing with the Panels is that you can switch between Panels while the sound you sustain with the Pedal does not stop.
So hold the G Octave on Panel A, slowly turn the MOD wheel to increase volume, Hold the SUSTAIN Pedal down. Then switch to Panel B, play a slow slide over the whole key range, switch back, hold the G Octave again and start with the Synth Line.

Feel free to further work on it if you want, in particularI recall having more convincing Mini Moog Settings but I lost them.