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Shimmer Pad for worship

Posted: 17 Jan 2018, 02:02
by ruggero
Used some VST shimmer effect starting with a pad from DEXED VST instrument.
This is my first post and the first attempt with nord sample editor: so simple to use.

Re: Shimmer Pad for worship

Posted: 17 Jan 2018, 05:01
by kbrkr
Very Cool....Nice job. Thank you!

Re: Shimmer Pad for worship

Posted: 11 Feb 2018, 17:41
by jaapb
Good work. Thanks

Re: Shimmer Pad for worship

Posted: 02 Jun 2018, 00:30
by Afghanza
Nice pad, I'm gonna use this one for sure!

Re: Shimmer Pad for worship

Posted: 13 Jun 2018, 02:15
by marycollis01
This is a lame question, but I am about to buy a Stage 3 for our church, and I need to figure out how to get ahold of these pad sounds and modern worship sounds. I've done the tutorials online of downloading stock Nord sounds from their website, but I want these worship sounds. Where can I access a bunch of Hillsong style sounds like this one?

Re: Shimmer Pad for worship

Posted: 08 Nov 2020, 07:39
by jonathan_lander
Hey, I don't know if you'll see this - its been 2.5 years haha.

I just downloaded the pad and it's amazing. However, it has a release that I cannot turn off! Even with keyboard hold, it still goes away over time. Could someone please give me some way of the shimmer not ending, or to compress the sound a little? It is massive!

Thanks - I hope someone sees this!

Re: Shimmer Pad for worship

Posted: 08 Nov 2020, 13:11
by alex78
It fades away because our friend who created it did not apply a loop in the sample editor. The only way to fix it would be to obtain the nwiproj and the original recording (.wav) inorder to do it yourself. If the OP is still watching this after such a long time, maybe he could attach those files...

Re: Shimmer Pad for worship

Posted: 08 Nov 2020, 15:02
by FZiegler
You could try a personal message; ruggero is still reading in the portal.

Re: Shimmer Pad for worship

Posted: 14 Nov 2020, 23:53
by imacman
Thank you!