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New practice room in the basement

Posted: 17 Feb 2018, 11:07
by Quai34
Finally, after years moving always all my stuff around to guitarists' places because they owned it and wanted to stay "at home" and not carrying anything, for the new band, it's at my place. So, " you come and play but I don't move anything anymore for a practice....". I hope you will enjoy it...sincerely

Re: New practice room in the basement

Posted: 17 Feb 2018, 15:17
by sdmkeys
One hell of a rig you got! Very nice set-up .... congrats!

Re: New practice room in the basement

Posted: 17 Feb 2018, 16:38
by Tracii
Just... mind-blowing! :o

Is all that stuff yours? Even the guitars and basses with their effects and amps?

Re: New practice room in the basement

Posted: 17 Feb 2018, 23:41
by Quai34
Yes....I was for 3 years 1500 km away from my family for Job and then, no other stuff to do on my spare time than play music....And spend $$ for gears...And it was a small town (15.000 people) with only military and Oil Workers (Cold Lake, AB, canada), so, it was difficult to find people to play with....One of the solution I found was to tell them "hey, you got the skills, I got the gear, just come and play"....So, now, with my new band, the bassist and guitarist will use my Amps and my pedalboards and they are happy and I am too....But somes are Stuffs that I have for years like the old TC pedals or ABY box...So instead of letting them taking dust in a box, I decide to put them operational on a pedalboard....For the basses and guitars, I found really good deals from people who had 30 guitars (the two G@L ASAT I bought...) and 18 basses...Yes, I saw them!!!! They were collecting them but we're always going back to the same so, they decided to sell few of them at crazy low price with an almost new state....So lucky me....
I'm not going to give my kids a lot of money when I will pass away but they will have good gear if their kids decide to play music....I see myself in the future as the "Music Grandpa...". Anyway, thanks for the nice comments...

Re: New practice room in the basement

Posted: 17 Feb 2018, 23:45
by DanielD71
Really nice setup !!!!!


Re: New practice room in the basement

Posted: 19 Feb 2018, 11:26
by LudovicVDP
Very nice and clean !

Re: New practice room in the basement

Posted: 21 Feb 2018, 09:36
by NoDirection
Very impressive practice room. A dream for any small band. One question - do you MIDI all the boards to the lowest one and use that as master keyboard, or do you use all the keybeds? - I easily get problems with my neck if I try to play in awcward positions - but maybe I am more exposed since I work with computers all day long...

Re: New practice room in the basement

Posted: 21 Feb 2018, 10:51
by Quai34
I wanted to make sure I could reach all the boards with my hands even in a seating position, so, yes, they are all midfied to each other on a A880 Roland Midi Patchbay that has memory so, Bandhelper in my ipad sent not only program changes for all the synths I use for a song but also the configuration of the A880 like who is the master, who is the slave. So even a sound played on the top P08 with the right hand let me use the Stage 2 with left hand....But when I practice/prepare for a song, I'm trying to use one side of the "L" or the Other, I mean Stage + D50 and NL2X or C2 + P12 + P08.
I thought I wa done with 3 keys (the NL2X was planned to be bought the day I bought the Stage 2, Pablo was,a good adviser on this one) with the D50 Imhad for years....And I found a C2 with a so good to pass deal....The P08 was the Synth of my dreams for years and when they discounted it due to the release of the Prophet 6, I bought it ....
thought I was done but a P12 new from a store where the guy brought it back after 2 weeks, "not my thing" he said,,,well it was mine....
That's it for the story but I have a lot of fun with the set up.

Re: New practice room in the basement

Posted: 24 Feb 2018, 19:24
by kirsty
What a setup. Very impressive! :)

Re: New practice room in the basement

Posted: 28 Mar 2018, 10:23
by JayDee
Would you consider adopting me? I won't drink your beer, and I could sleep in the studio.