So I gave it a quick look and it's really easy to create surfaces to control your Synth!!
In just one hour I obtained a basic version, almost finished as a first try in order to control a Nord Stage from the PC or read out all values even from the Pots without LEDs!
Here is what I did:
-Created a surface with 90% of the elements of a NS Classic/EX
-Assigning the Midi CC numbers from the Nord Manual so they are always in Sync
-Basic Layout based on the original Panel
to do for a final version:
-integrate the last 10% of controllers
-integrate the drawbars, probably the best woudl be create a Nord Style Drawbar using this tool:
-maybe create some custom elements (knobs, switches) based on the Nord ones (check the existing Maps so see what is possible with knobman!:
-some programming would be needed for the functions that depend on other elements (e.g., different Vibrato/Chorus options for different Organ models, Effect Rate/Amount for the selected FX (1/2/3),...)
-Once its done, "Copy and Paste" in order to create Panel B.
-Taking the Sysex Dump Request and translating the sysex data into initialising all values (definitively feasible, see, just need to find the nord specific values!)
How to use it?
- Download Ctrlr ("Nightly" seems better) for your OS from
- Download the Nord Stage Panel from here: Nord Stage C/EX Patch Editor
- Setup your MIDI interface using the "Devices" Button
- Select your MIDI in and ouput device and channel in the Tool bar drop down menus.
- On your Nord Stage Classic/EX/2 (for the NS2, some CC assignments will have to be adjusted, but grosso modo it should work too), hit SHIFT+MIDI then scroll to the Option "Send MIDI Ctrl". Select the Panel you want to edit/view (A or B) and press the red STORE button. This makes the Nord Stage send the current values of ALL CC controllers over MIDI and the replicated Panel on your Computer should now show all the values of your Nord Stage.
- Now you can tweak/switch anything either on the PC or your Front Panel and will see the changes immediately on both devices.
-Some settings are not transfered via CC, e.g., the Piano Category Selected, Piano Type, ... So for the moment they cannot be changed from the PC. For that, one would need to work with Sysex data which is strictly possible but would require more work.
-Whenever you change a program on your NS, you have to resend the CC values using the Option in the MIDI menu again (SHIFT+MIDI => STORE)!
-Click on "Mode" on the toolbar to switch between vies and edit (if you want to change something) modes
-only one panel works for the moment.
Here is how it looks:
- ctrlr nord stage screenshot.png (727.91 KiB) Viewed 32654 times
Please let me know what you think and you can easily further edit the Panel, improving the layout, adding the missing bits and pieces!
I think Ctrlr is a great and future proof solution to work upon! It is very flexible in order to include the real values, e.g., of the envelope values in seconds, adding a virtual envelope to see how it looks,...
If you have problems loading it, please reply to this post!!
EDIT: I also added a stand alone version ("player") for Win7 x64 and added drop down menus in the toolbar for your Midi IO and Mici Channels!
EDIT: Now with WORKING Drawbars/Drawbuttons!!! (v3)
EDIT: New download link for always the latest version:
Nord Stage C/EX Patch Editor
EDIT: Now all greyed so settings are more visible, added Nord LED Pots (v4)
EDIT: The StandAlone Version of Ctrlr is not anymore supported so please use the Standard Version!