Theft of C2D and E2 rack from London UK

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Rob Millis
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Theft of C2D and E2 rack from London UK

Post by Rob Millis »

Dear all,

Can I ask any British pals to keep an eye out for a C2D (in case) and an Electro 2 Rack that was stolen from my vehicle on 27th January?
It was stolen along with (and this makes me sick) my beloved Mark 1 Neo Ventilator, a pair of Mackie C200 10s and a 2U rack containing a Studiomaster C3X mixer and a Behringer EQP450 power amp.

The police know who they think it is and in fact viewed footage of him trying to offload the gear at a branch of Cash Converters, but have yet to catch up with him as he is a 'sofa surfer'.

Thanks in advance.

Twickenham's wayward son.
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Re: Theft of C2D and E2 rack from London UK

Post by Berretje »

Rob Millis wrote:that was stolen from my vehicle on 27th January?
Is stolen or will be stolen?

Guess that should be December?

Sad to hear, I hoop these goods will return asap to you!

with regards,

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Re: Theft of C2D and E2 rack from London UK

Post by coolbreeze »

Man I know that hurts. In USA praying for you.
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