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Custom Sounds

Posted: 31 Aug 2010, 13:47
by bpbpbp

I'm considering purchasing a Nord Stage 88 and wondered if it was possible to upload my own samples,a nd if so in what format?

I use Logic 9 and like a lot of the software instruments. I was hoping it might be possible to upload the standard samples, eg the piano sounds, as well as custom synth pads.


Re: Custom Sounds

Posted: 31 Aug 2010, 21:21
by Gustavo
Sorry, but playing custom samples on the Nord Stage is impossible as of now.

BUT! The Nord Electro CAN. You should consider it. It has a superb organ engine (same as the C2, the NS has theC1), it also has the ability to load custom samples, and the very good Nord Stage pianos, EPs, Clavs, etc.

But keep in mind that the NE3 does not have: multitimbrality nor synth engine. But you do not need the synth engine having samples. Nord does provide free synth samples for their NE3 and NW users.

If you need to have a synth, a killer combo would be pairing the NE3 with a mopho keyboard and later expand it with a Tetra. I think it could be cheaper.... but you do not have the convinient "all you need" in just one place...

Anyways, Hope I helped you decide on what to get :D
