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Walk of Life for NE6

Posted: 03 Oct 2022, 05:40
by Smokehouse
Anybody have a good 'Walk of Life' patch for a NE6? There is a really good one by Flavio in .nsmp format, but my NE 6 can't read them or convert them to .ne6p. In the alternative, is there a way to convert an .nsmp to an .ne6p, or anyone know of someone who creates patches for a fee?

I'll pay if someone is willing to share or create one.

Thanks in advance!
Semper Fi,

Re: Walk of Life for NE6

Posted: 03 Oct 2022, 10:22
by Schorsch

you are mixing up different things here. A .nsmp file is a sample while .ne6p is a Nord Electro program.

The .nsmp file can be loaded into the sample synth section of your Nord with the help of Nord Sound Manager.

You then create a program at which you enable the sample synth section and select the names sample. This enables you to play the sound of the sample

The manual of the Electro should explain this as well, otherwise look at the videos of My Keys To Music. I believe that list of it is focused on the Nord Stage but the basics of the initial introductions are quite similar for both the Electro and the Stage series:

Re: Walk of Life for NE6

Posted: 16 Oct 2022, 20:31
by Smokehouse
Thanks so much for the reminder, Schorsch! You were spot-on correct.

I had done that before but about 9 months ago but given that I had only done it once before turned my knowledge into perishable skills. Part of my problem was the not particularly prominent tabs in the upper left labeled 'Piano', 'SampleLib', and 'Program'. I had completely forgotten they were there (they seem vaguely placed), and the default is 'Program', the reason the .nsmp files didn't show up when I searched the correct folders on my PC.

Thanks again!

Semper Fi,