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Nord Drum 3P output levels

Posted: 04 Oct 2022, 09:26
by furtwangler
I recently bought a Nord Drum 3P and using a dual 1/4 inch TS to dual RCA cable I plugged it into the AUX of my 120 watt home stereo. With everything turned up full the sound output was minimal. Is this a fault or a feature? Any ideas?

Re: Nord Drum 3P output levels

Posted: 04 Oct 2022, 14:42
by wartaler
Hi furtwangler, welcome to the forum!

I'd think one of the following:
-the cable is bad
-the main volume of the 3p, or the amp is turned down
-the outputs of the 3p, or the inputs of the amp are broken (try a different sound source or amp)
-the channel levels of the kit are low (try different kits)
-the sensitivity settings of the pads are such that the 3p barely makes a sound when playing them (try the trigger button)
-you've accidentally connected the outputs of the 3p to outputs of your amp (yes, I've done this once by accident, and I did a hear faint sound coming from the speakers)

And just to be sure: I think you shouldn't expect levels to match that of acoustic instruments, or instrument amps, it shouldn't be louder than playing a CD for example. You don't want to damage your home stereo amp, speakers, or ears!


Re: Nord Drum 3P output levels

Posted: 05 Oct 2022, 07:16
by furtwangler
Thanks for that. I metered the cable and it's fine, Master level on 3P highest and volume on my stereo highest. Amp tested fine with another source. Tested with pad channel levels at 50. I no longer have the unit so cannot play around with pad sensitivity but that seems unlikely as all pads and kits delivered the same soft output. Definitely didn't connect to amp outputs. The only conclusions I can reach is that either the product was defective or there is an incompatibility with my home stereo amplifier and the 3P. Thanks again.

Re: Nord Drum 3P output levels

Posted: 05 Oct 2022, 08:01
by wartaler
Good to know..
Perhaps not very relevant now that you returned or sold it, but just in case anyone else has similar problems; I think it still could have been pad sensitivity because that is set for all 6 pads at the same time and applies to all programs/kits. The velocity of the trigger button is constant and high (100), and you can even raise that to the maximum (127), so it would have been an option to test the audio using the trigger button.
I agree, it also could have been a defective unit.

Re: Nord Drum 3P output levels

Posted: 05 Oct 2022, 17:14
by furtwangler
Thanks Albert. I might drop into the music store I returned it to and see if I can test it in store, if they still have it.