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Converting Nords between European and North American Power

Posted: 08 Dec 2022, 23:52
by 23skidoo
I wrote this in the Nord Lead forum in response to an oft-asked question here and I'm making a topic for it because it comes up often enough.

To convert a Nord to/from 250V nominal power (that of course includes 230/240V systems too) to 120V nominal (including 110/120/125V, though I am not certain if it includes 90/100V systems, someone else will have to advise on that one) you need to set the internal switch in the power supply to the appropriate position AND CHANGE THE FUSE.

Here's where people always post, as they're not sure what fuse they need. So, for reference and to put it all in one place we can point people to, I humbly offer the following details.

This applies, as far as I'm aware*, to all of the standard Nords, including Stages, Electros, Lead 1/2/2x/3/4/A1, etc.

You're looking for a fuse with the following specifications, they're quite common:
SizeThe fuses come in two sizes, and there's some confusion between the data sheets** and reality on which size matches which colour of fuse holder plastic. black or light grey cap: 1.25"x0.25" (31.75x6.35mm or sometimes listed as 6.3x32mm). A common series of fuses is called "313" for this type, by Littelfuse. black cap: 5x20mm Note that if your fuse holder cap is black, it could be EITHER SIZE so I recommend you check exactly the fuse itself or just buy one of each size to be sure.
AmperageIf you want a "North American" (120V ish) fuse: 0.3A = 300mA = 3/10A "slow blow" If you want a "European" (250V ish) fuse: 0.15A = 150mA "slow blow"
Voltage250V in both cases, regardless of the wall voltage

*Please correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't owned EVERY Nord ever!
** ... U__FAC.pdf

Re: Converting Nords between European and North American Pow

Posted: 09 Dec 2022, 06:06
by maxpiano
Thanks, I think this should be added to the FAQ of this site. :thumbup:

Re: Converting Nords between European and North American Pow

Posted: 09 Dec 2022, 19:28
by pterm
Please see:
The Fuse Holder (mounted to the power supply circuit board) accepts both 0.25" x 1.25" and 5mm x 20mm size fuses, but depends on the cartridge insert supplied.

The North American models ship with the cartridge for 0.25" x 1.25". This seems to come with a grey-coloured end cap according to the data sheet.

I suspect the Euro/Global models ship with the cartridge for the 5mm x 20mm fuse size. The data sheet appears to indicate this comes with a black-coloured end cap. I think we need to confirm this so the given advice is complete.

Is it possible to track reported user location on a survey/poll on the General Nord Forum that asks about fuse size and end cap colour?

Re: Converting Nords between European and North American Pow

Posted: 09 Dec 2022, 19:51
by 23skidoo
Good call @pterm, I forgot that some did have the smaller one. On my Euro Stage 3 it's dark grey 5x20 in fact. My NA NL3 is black 1.25x0.25". I've updated the post to indicate this data and that we don't have certainty on the colour assignments yet.

Re: Converting Nords between European and North American Pow

Posted: 09 Dec 2022, 21:15
by 23skidoo
In fact, I did a little digging and there are BLACK caps for both sizes of fuse: ... U__FAC.pdf
So my guess is that the dark grey I have is just a not-perfectly-colour-matched black, and that Nord has used all three colours and sizes in various products.

Re: Converting Nords between European and North American Pow

Posted: 09 Dec 2022, 21:55
by pterm
23skidoo wrote:In fact, I did a little digging and there are BLACK caps for both sizes of fuse: ... U__FAC.pdf
So my guess is that the dark grey I have is just a not-perfectly-colour-matched black, and that Nord has used all three colours and sizes in various products.
This is unfortunate - I hoped Nord colour-coded these caps by size. Unfortunately, no easy answer exists here: It seems users need to confirm their own correct fuse size.

Re: Converting Nords between European and North American Pow

Posted: 28 Dec 2022, 14:46
by Mr_-G-
This thread is now 'sticky'. Thanks 23skidoo and pterm!

Re: Converting Nords between European and North American Pow

Posted: 29 Mar 2023, 02:40
by Georges
I need the reverse of this, moving from US to France, should I take it to a NORD Authorized dealer? Or can I source this fuse myself and open the machine up and flip that voltage switch. Can you tell me which of the covers I need to remove to do this? Thank you!

Re: Converting Nords between European and North American Pow

Posted: 30 Mar 2023, 14:15
by 23skidoo
The instructions provided work going either way. Install the European fuse and set the voltage to European voltage when operating in Europe, and vice-versa. That's it, that's all.

Fuses are almost always accessed directly from the outside using the little grey or black circular cover near the power inlet. The voltage switch is clearly visible once you've opened the lid of the synth, in the power supply section.

For specifics on how to get into your particular model I suggest online videos, but it should be pretty obvious which screws need to be removed just by looking at it. Nords are easy synths to open, and if you're moderately handy with a screwdriver and aren't super clumsy or anything you should be fine trying it yourself. Plus its a confidence booster!

Absolutely no need to send it to an "authorized" dealer, either, if you can't figure it out. Any friend who's handy with electronics or any local synth repair shop (or even maybe a guitar tech at a decent vendor) can do this job given the right fuse and necessary information. But I bet you can do it yourself. :)

[edit: apologies for the slightly grouchy first draft on this - I shouldn't post before coffee, apparently!]

Re: Converting Nords between European and North American Pow

Posted: 01 Apr 2023, 06:53
by Georges
Thanks, I can handle a screwdriver :) Just wasn't sure about whether to open it from the top or the bottom to get to the power supply.