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Electtric piano/B3 Organ split Sample

Posted: 13 Jan 2023, 19:38
by DotKeys1

Hi there
Just wondering if anyone has an Electric piano/Organ B 3 Split sample for the Nord Electro 3? Or is anyone able to help advise me on how to split the keyboard - Elec Piano one half and organ the other half?


Re: Electtric piano/B3 Organ split Sample

Posted: 14 Jan 2023, 11:07
by alex78
Hi and welcome!
Unfortunatelly, your E3 (like my E4) do not have layer and split capability, so splitting two engines (organ and piano in your case) is not possible. The only workaround (that I often do for synth sounds and effects) is to create a custom sample (nsmp) with nord sample editor and use your sample synth section to play it. However the sound will be quite flat, especially the organ that will sound exactly like you record it, without ability to control drawbars, lesslie speed etc.