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OSC 2 and LED under “sound init” NS4 OS 0.98

Posted: 22 Apr 2023, 13:31
by OlivierB
Sometimes it easier to learn how to use a totally new instrument…
The Nord Stage 4 looks like the Nord Stage 3 but some flows are different.
1) I’m trying to reproduce the combination of a OSC 1 sample + OSC2 noise.
See attached video of the flow on the NS3.
Can you show me how to do it on the NS4 ? I tried my best but without success (and I hope I do not have to use 2 synth sections for this).
2) There is a LED under the “sound init” but it never lits (shift-init will reset the sound but this LED remains off). Is it normal ? Is it a bug ? Why is it used for ?

Thanks a lot and excuse-me for being too present but I make a “learning marathon” :)

Re: OSC 2 and LED under “sound init” NS4 OS 0.98

Posted: 22 Apr 2023, 14:43
by WannitBBBad
From what I gather from the manual, the NS4 is fairly limited in the "2-oscillator" options available from a single synth compared to the NS3. It appears you would need to set up the sample with one synth layer and use a second synth layer for the noise. After creating the sound you want, you do have the option of creating a custom sample to use with a single synth layer. Regarding the sound init, I believe there is another post about it being a possible bug.

Re: OSC 2 and LED under “sound init” NS4 OS 0.98

Posted: 22 Apr 2023, 19:42
by improkeys
Yes, you need to use two layers.

Re: OSC 2 and LED under “sound init” NS4 OS 0.98

Posted: 22 Oct 2024, 04:45
by WannitBBBad
OlivierB wrote: 22 Apr 2023, 13:31... 2) There is a LED under the “sound init” but it never lits (shift-init will reset the sound but this LED remains off). Is it normal ? Is it a bug ? Why is it used for ?
Thank you for putting the link to your post in the Google sheet NS4 Issues/Bugs List. I'll update the entry to note that Nord removed the LED in subsequent panel revision. Take care.