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Piano Request: PRINCE - Never Take The Place Of Your Man

Posted: 09 May 2023, 15:00
by jim88
Hi all,

My highschool band is gearing-up for a reunion gig after 40 yrs. So it's back to the 80s!

Can anyone help me get the quirky piano sound in the studio version of Prince: I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man?

Here's a clip of it: Here's the full tune:

Back in the 80s I played it on a Korg Poly 6, which could play a whopping 6 notes at the same time :o Hoping my S3 can do better.

(Weirdly enough Prince went on to live 1km from me here in Toronto. Go figure.)

Appreciate any help with this - gig's coming up!

Ageing Rocker Jim

Re: Piano Request: PRINCE - Never Take The Place Of Your Man

Posted: 12 May 2023, 15:03
by WannitBBBad
I would try using the ring modulation (RM) effect on the piano at a fast rate. It can make a Grand sound like a toy piano. You could also back it up with a synth pad behind it. Good luck!