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Piano and a Clavinet split

Posted: 04 Oct 2010, 17:42
by agmcisaac
I just got a Stage EX76 last month - still getting to know it. Can you someone help me how to set a split with a piano mid to high on the keyboard and a clavinet in the lower regions for playing with my left hand ?

Re: Piano and a Clavinet split

Posted: 05 Oct 2010, 00:06
by cleito
In Panel A, choose the sound you want, and set the split you want, using the KB zone button.
in Panel B do the same.
After that, press Panel A, keep holding and press the Panel B.
Now they will sound together.
The sound that is select will be blinking the light of the Pabel Button.
that's it.

Re: Piano and a Clavinet split

Posted: 05 Oct 2010, 21:12
by agmcisaac
Thanks......just done it.........