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Some Questions about Sampling with NSE from a newbie
Posted: 27 Feb 2012, 12:17
by markeith89
Hi everyone !
I'm Marco and I'm a newbie of Nord Electro 3 HP and of this useful forum.
I've read some old post about sampling sounds of NE3 HP, just downloaded and used some user sample but now I want to create on my own something.
I have 2 (maybe stupid?) question that I want to make before getting my work.
My equipment is : NE3 HP + Steinberg Cl 2 Audio device ( ... 481ur.aspx) + Cubase AI 5
My first question is how can I connect via midi my NE3 HP ? My audio device doesn't have a Midi IN OUT and NE3 HP isn't a USB MIDI machine.
Just buying any MIDI USB controller Cubase will recognize the midi Signals from my NE 3 HP ? (I'm afraid that Cubase doesn't recognize the signals and I'll make an useless disbursement of money )
Second Question is about create layer. Using Cubase to create a .wav file suitable for NSE, I just make 2 audio (or MIDI) tracks overlapped with the same note on piano and strings for example (then adjusting attach and other things) ? It is better with 2 audio tracks or 2 MIDI tracks ?
Thank you for any answer, tips or every kind of suggestion. I apologize for my probablyy uncorrect english, hope that is quite understandable.
Many thanks, Marco.
Re: Some Questions about Sampling with NSE from a newbie
Posted: 27 Feb 2012, 13:16
by Frantz
Welcome Marco ,
USB/MIDI cables is a solution.
It's not too expensive, and it looks like this :
Re: Some Questions about Sampling with NSE from a newbie
Posted: 28 Feb 2012, 15:14
by markeith89
Thank you for the answer!
I'm getting some problems with sampling the piano, I know that it is the most difficult sound to recreate with NSE....midi track or audio track ? how much time each note last in the loop ? how to overlap with strings sound in a decent way ? These are some of my question, I know that I'm a newbie of Sampling of Nord Instrument and I'm looking for help in these forum and I try to make ad advertisement also in my country (Italy).
Hope that some more experienced guys can answer to my humble question, and maybe support this idea in Italy. Thanks to all!
Re: Some Questions about Sampling with NSE from a newbie
Posted: 05 Mar 2012, 22:25
by markeith89
...I'm still hope that someone will answer but I'm afraid that will not happens...
Re: Some Questions about Sampling with NSE from a newbie
Posted: 05 Mar 2012, 22:47
by Hanon_CTS
markeith89 wrote:Thank you for the answer!
I'm getting some problems with sampling the piano, I know that it is the most difficult sound to recreate with NSE....midi track or audio track ? how much time each note last in the loop ? how to overlap with strings sound in a decent way ? These are some of my question, I know that I'm a newbie of Sampling of Nord Instrument and I'm looking for help in these forum and I try to make ad advertisement also in my country (Italy).
Hope that some more experienced guys can answer to my humble question, and maybe support this idea in Italy. Thanks to all!
Hello Marco,
I believe that Frantz answered the MIDI question effectively, so I'll take this part.
You are correct about sampling piano with layered strings "very difficult" and usually not worth the effort.
The sample length must last through the entire decay cycle of the piano, and just past an acceptable loop point for the layered strings.
This usually results in a larger than optimum sample, with less than optimum dynamics.
I have produced a couple of
piano+strings layered samples and it seems few are satisfied with the result.
I'm not surprised, since resampling the pianos removes any velocity dynamics and reduces the resolution from 48KHz down to 44.1KHz
I was hoping that Nord would produce some .npno format piano+strings layers.
Now that the Nord Piano 2 has a sample section, the possibility seems more remote
Cheers, Hanon
Re: Some Questions about Sampling with NSE from a newbie
Posted: 05 Mar 2012, 22:49
by Johannes
Hi marco,
I agree it is not super easy to create a bit more complex samples if one is not an experiences re-sampler (which holds for any hard or software sampler, by the way).
A video tutorial or even more comprehensive multi media thing would certainly find its audience out there, and hopefully there'll be one one day. But it takes a lot of work, effort and devotion to come up with an easy to follow manual/how-to video that covers things such as looping, optimal sampling with layers, envelopes, etc.. I will definitively contribute to that once I have a sample playback compatible instrument, in the mean time, I can only encourage people or ask for patience
If you plan to sample quite a lot, this might be a good tool to work with (though not free but 40EUR, but there is a demo): ... ucts_id=97.
But for a simple start, you can just record one not of a layered sound in any software and create a sample-set from this one by reading NSE the manual.
Re: Some Questions about Sampling with NSE from a newbie
Posted: 05 Mar 2012, 23:11
by markeith89
Thak you Hanon_CTS and Johannes!
I've already download and use Hanon_CTS piano+strings and Epiano+strings and I must admit that they are very realistic for velocity and dynamics for a sample!
In my very very very humble opinion I would turn up a little bit the strings volume, and for me would be perfect !
For my purpose ( Ihave a NE3HP, I'm a jazz pianist so I use predominantly piano and fender rhodes, but I have a pop band in which I must need layer but first and foremost split) I will try to make split with piano+strings and Epiano+Strings (I hope soon) and I will share my little experiment with you.
I would ask you if there are any particular rules to create split, strings in the lower and piano or E.piano in the upper, sample lenght for the two different voices and so on...
Thank you for your help and patience with a newbie.