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one Vision sample

Posted: 24 Feb 2024, 12:19
by Bluerabbitt
Hi Guys.

I was troubled make some sounds for the ns3 compact and deleted some without backup. I know, my bad ;)

Only i need my one vision sample, what i have already on my pc.
How can i transfer only the sample into the nord in a program?
I really forgot how to use it.

What i need is, a empty program sound, so i can link my sample in that program?
I already done that, but i forgot how to do it, I have only the sample in a program, but my Head is empty to :D

Thanks for helping me.

Cheers Reiner.

Re: one Vision sample

Posted: 24 Feb 2024, 13:31
by FZiegler

you still know to use Nord Sound Manager, right?
It has multiple tabs and you need to use the samples tab to transfer the sample to your Stage.

Then, you start with a new program on your Stage:
a) you can use an existing one and just dial in the sample in the synth section ,
b) use an empty one or
c) initiate a new program with the PROG INIT button: [Shift][Transpose], then select a synth program.

Finally don't forget to STORE AS in order to be able to apply a name and save it to a program bank.

So, getting a new sample into a program is usually done in two steps.

Re: one Vision sample

Posted: 24 Feb 2024, 15:49
by Elias

Re: one Vision sample

Posted: 25 Feb 2024, 15:29
by Bluerabbitt
thanks. Yeah i know many thinks about NS3 and the Manager and how to make a sample. But that thing, how to make a empty program to link the sample in it, that what i was forgotten.
Thank you and i will try it tomorrow.
Regards Reiner.