Macbook Pro/Nord Stage 2EX
Posted: 18 Oct 2024, 10:25
Greetings! Okay.... I connect my Macbook Pro to my Nord S2EX via the USB. I was TOLD by a guy at the music store, that in order to use the sounds in my laptop (I use Studio One), and play the stems for worship, I do NOT have to have a sound output cable connected to the laptop. He SAID, "Since you're connected via the USB, you can route the sound output back to your Nord, and the sound will leave the Nord to the system as normal. Well.... it's not happening. I've selected the laptop sound output (and inside Studio One) going into the Nord's input. When I PLAY the nord, I CAN hear the laptop sounds, but ONLY THRU THE LAPTOP. I personally think I'll need a cable running from the laptop to the PA system in order to hear what it's playing. BUT..... I'm not an expert. Can someone please explain this? I'm in a time crunch, and this conference starts in 12hrs. I normally am in studio. Never done live with a computer before. And this is late notice, but I want to help this church. Thx for the help.... and the invitation to join.