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Nevermind - Not a bug

Posted: 07 Nov 2024, 20:03
by WannitBBBad
I checked the Google sheet NS4 Issues/Bugs List and didn't find this bug noted. A related post back in February by fabiokey doesn't look like it was resolved.

When using the arpeggiator on the NS4 normally or using a pattern, the timing starts right with the first key pressed if KB SYNC is enabled. However, when the Master Clock is used, the clock does not reset with the pressed key. The problem can be easily seen by watching the moving trigger point at the bottom of an arpeggiator pattern, which resets to the beginning when the first note/chord is played with KB SYNC, but will not when the master clock is used. I'll post a video soon.

Re: NS4 Bug - Master Clock won't reset/retrigger with KB SYNC

Posted: 07 Nov 2024, 20:52
by Nordlicht
I reported this issue already in June to Clavia (in combination with another bug) and Staffan Lindroth (Product Specialist) replied in a first answer:

Is Mst Clk turned on in your case? If so, KB Sync is determined in the Mst Clk menu, and the per-layer KB Sync for the Arp has no effect (until Mst Clk is turned Off).

and added a few days later:

It's easy to miss that Mst Clk affects that panel function, and maybe KB Sync should really be completely disabled when Mst Clk is active. Something for us to think about.

So, the issue is a known fact, and hopefully they will work on it.

Re: Nevermind - Not a bug

Posted: 08 Nov 2024, 03:38
by WannitBBBad
Thanks, that took care of it! It makes sense the way it's implemented on the menu, I've just never noticed it. It would be nice if the onboard KB SYNC light would go off as soon as the master clock is enabled for the layer rather than still turn on/off as if it's doing something, but there are a lot more important things to still work on. Take care