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New Stage 4 User Here, My First Nord

Posted: 02 Dec 2024, 19:18
by 2112Creative
Hi everyone!
Nord newbie here to the forums though I've had my Stage 4 for a few months just toying around with it to get more familiar with how things work. I'm finally getting around to trying to get it ready to gig with.
I apologize for any dumb questions but one I have is this:
Do I have to use sound files that are are saved exclusively for the stage 4, or can I also use older versions for the stage 3, etc. if I find some sounds here that I like? Which formats are compatible with my Stage 4?
Last night, I updated my firmware and backed everything up in sound manager for starters. I plan to remove a good share of the programs and samples that it came with to make room for what I need for my band.
So far, I love this keyboard! But it's quite a learning curve for me as well. I tried to do some searches for file compatibility but haven't found a direct answer just yet.

Re: New Stage 4 User Here, My First Nord

Posted: 02 Dec 2024, 21:08
by 2112Creative
Edit: Looks like I found the answer on compatible sounds, only Stage 4.

Re: New Stage 4 User Here, My First Nord

Posted: 02 Dec 2024, 23:05
by M_a_c
That´s primary right! Older Key-Settings - and especially Synth-Settings - are not the same between the Nord-Generations.
It´s not strictly in the NordProductConcept, that the newer Key is like the Old Key "plus". You cannot take old Data and going on.
(if you start with the NS4, you should look for dedicated NS4-Stuff first anyway)

...but you can load "older" samples to the NS4, as the NordSoundManager update them to the "Nord4"-Format.
The Programm settings are missing, but you can tweak the settings to get a good new Program with the proven Samples created.
So the Sample (let us say "Sound") CAN be loaded most of the time.

I took my old stuff from Stage2 to Nord5 and brought it into the NS4.
Some nights I just sat there for hours and re-listened the Old Program from the NE5
in comparison to the new programmed NS4 to check, if it´s similar. :lol:
Well - sometimes the route is the goal...

Re: New Stage 4 User Here, My First Nord

Posted: 03 Dec 2024, 00:12
by FZiegler
You can also download a NS2/3 program, load it to the Nord Stage Program Viewer and note the values and basic samples. Then you load the same samples to your instrument and try to replicate the surrounding settings with the means you have on the NS4.