Sample synth dynamics question

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Sample synth dynamics question

Post by emergingstates »

Hello I’m a longtime piano 3 user finally considering upgrading to the 6. However looking at the panel I have realised that there no longer seems to be an option to use dynamics to control the filter cutoff, only volume. Can someone tell me if this is correct? I hope I’m wrong as it’s my favourite feature of the synth section. I went back and looked at photos of the piano 5 which seems to have suffered the same fate. The manual for the piano 5 has been no help and the 6 doesn’t seem to have been published yet.
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Re: Sample synth dynamics question

Post by WannitBBBad »

I've put together information on the parameters set when "dynamics" are enabled for each sample category at viewtopic.php?p=162281 I assume when a sample is loaded with "dynamics" enabled, the settings are active unless changed manually. Some information on sample dynamics is included with Nord Sample Editor documentation.
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Re: Sample synth dynamics question

Post by Afghanza »

I noticed the same thing. I really do hope they don’t delete it from the NE7. I really use this feature a lot.
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