Quick (dumb?) question - Electro3 for piano?

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Quick (dumb?) question - Electro3 for piano?

Post by spradders »

Hi, I'm a NS4 user but thinking of buying an old Electro 3 for times when I don't want to take the NS4 (e.g. when on boats volunteering on a holiday for young people....).

Will the electro 3 still let me grab the White Grand sample, brighten the EQ, add a touch of reverb, so it sounds like a decent piano? I guess the keybed isn't great for that but I don't mind as long as it's reasonably expressive still.

(Looking at the E3 because I would also use it for some jam nights or maybe small blues gigs with piano, EP and organ).
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Re: Quick (dumb?) question - Electro3 for piano?

Post by changearound »

E3 can only deal with v5 pianos so White Grand and Stockholm Rhodes (possibly others?) cannot be used.

I believe E5 is the first Electro that is compatible with v6.
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Re: Quick (dumb?) question - Electro3 for piano?

Post by spradders »

Ah right - thank you - yes that's more obvious now on the Nord website, I hadn't noticed they were missing when I select e3.
I see Studio Grand 2 is there, my old go-to... so except from lack of some of the new sounds, it sounds like it'll do the job for me.
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Re: Quick (dumb?) question - Electro3 for piano?

Post by Gambold »

Studio Grand 2 has the distinction of being the only Nord acoustic piano sample loaded on every single piano they've released, dating back to the Stage EX in 2008. It recently (a few years ago) got some kind of mysterious upgrade so now you can get an XL version!!
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Re: Quick (dumb?) question - Electro3 for piano?

Post by Mighty Motif Max »

Your best bets may be the Royal Grand 3D or Amber Upright as those are the newest "general purpose" pianos that will load to the Electro 3...I'd maybe look at the old Queen Upright too as a smaller option.
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Re: Quick (dumb?) question - Electro3 for piano?

Post by maxpiano »

Gambold wrote: 30 Jan 2025, 00:02 Studio Grand 2 has the distinction of being the only Nord acoustic piano sample loaded on every single piano they've released, dating back to the Stage EX in 2008. It recently (a few years ago) got some kind of mysterious upgrade so now you can get an XL version!!
The XL version of Studio Grand 2 is available only in Piano library v6, not on 5.3 which is the last one supported by NE3
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Re: Quick (dumb?) question - Electro3 for piano?

Post by Tasten-Bert »

I played an electro 3 61 in my rockband between 2012 and 2015. One of its limits was the piano memory size of about 185 MB only. If I remember right I had the Bright Grand (Yamaha) because of its treble focussed sound and the Imperial Grand (Boesendorfer) because of its full bass loaded, both in L version. I was quite happy with the versatility as well as the keybed. Rock‘n‘Roll songs with the Yammy and Adele ballads with the Bosie, the latter one sometimes tuned an octave lower, went very well. Concentrating on piano playing a 73 keybed would have been better.

Try it. Cheers from Germany
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Re: Quick (dumb?) question - Electro3 for piano?

Post by spradders »

Thanks all, appreciated. I used to have a Stage2 and was generally happy with original piano, rhodes, wurli sounds etc... so it sounds like I'd be happy with the e3. As it happens I didn't manage to buy the one I was looking at so may end up with something newer.
My current main board is the ns4c but I want something cheap and even more compact for times when I wanna just sling the keyboard on my back and not care too much... hence an older 61 note board... I quite fancy the e3 because I always hear about how good the organ is!
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Re: Quick (dumb?) question - Electro3 for piano?

Post by Schorsch »

Please note, as also mentioned by Bert, that the Electro 3 piano memory size is only 1/3rd of that on the Stage 2, you therefore will probably not be able to use the same piano, rhodes, wurli sounds like you used on your Stage 2, either not at the same quality level (sample size type XL, L, M, S) or at all if the ELectro 3 memory is not enough.

Agree re. organ, this is quite good and if that's what you want to use the Electro 3 for I think you would be fine with it
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Check this awesome website to visualize NS2/3 programs and re-create them on the other instrument!

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Re: Quick (dumb?) question - Electro3 for piano?

Post by harmonizer »

I would avoid buying an Electro3 if piano sounds matter to you.
The oldest I would go is the Electro 5, which support the White Grand.
I used the Electro 3 for several years, and while its Organ and EP sounds were very good, I never got satisfied with its Acoustic Piano sounds.
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