nord grand 2 speakers?

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nord grand 2 speakers?

Post by rottenernie »

Everything I have read says the G2 will be a great upgrade from my rd-2000. I mostly use synthogy's Ivory 3 german grand on a mac layered with the rd-2000's german grand. I dont find much info on whether the nord speakers (V2) are worth the $899 investment for monitoring the G2. Perhaps a more expensive set of Adam a8h or similar would be better for performer's aspect of monitoring?

Also, I will be controlling the G2 with local control "off" running the midi thru the DAW for notation and editing. How does that seem to work for anyone that has done this?

Does anyone know if the newly announced piano 6 will have the same kawai action?

Sorry for all the questions, new to Nord.
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Re: nord grand 2 speakers?

Post by maxpiano »

Welcome to NUF :-)

Sorry to answer with some questons back, first is: since you already have a RD-2000 + VSTi you can use the same speakers you use currently, why do you think you would you need anything different for NG2?

On your second point (using Local OFF) I cannot answer on NG2 specifically, but in general using Local OFF to use it just for notes input in a notation tool should be OK, even if I am not sure why would you need to do that, what would be the problem to keep the Local ON while you do it (and just zero NG2 volume or use a blank Program, if you just want no sound from NG2)?

NP6 will have a Fatar action (TP40-something) like its predecessors.
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Re: nord grand 2 speakers?

Post by rottenernie »

RD-2000 + VSTi you can use the same speakers you use currently....I have these 20 year old HS8's that I really cant get to sound good for piano so I use headphones instead, looking to upgrade. My thinking is the nord speakers would sound superior for a nord keyboard, its a guess.

what would be the problem to keep the Local ON while you do it (and just zero NG2 volume or use a blank Program, if you just want no sound from NG2)? ....The only problem is duplicating notes and reducing polyphony, I had'nt thought of using a blank program. On the rd-2000 if you dont turn local control off, it creates weird errors in control change
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Re: nord grand 2 speakers?

Post by Nordlicht »

In my experience the Nord piano speakers are extremely good for the replication of piano sounds but also for any kind of pads and strings. In the past I had HS7 monitor speakers, and they were simply not good, even with professional music of various kinds. But they had especially problems with piano sounds and their fast transients. For "studio" monitors I switched to Neumann KH120, that are far far better than the Yamahas, but even they are challenged with pure piano sounds.

So I’ve added the Nord speakers to my Piano 5, and it simply fits, both sound wise and optically.
Nord Piano 5 + Nord Piano Monitors, Nord Stage 4 Compact + other stuff
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