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New home made sound.Download and enjoy.
Posted: 10 Feb 2011, 13:28
by Red Fan
If you have a sound you be i can help you and give you a solution
of your`problem..just ask here on the superb Nord Stage Forum.
Best Regards/ Red Fan.
Re: New home made sound.Download and enjoy.
Posted: 11 Feb 2011, 04:55
by TomS
Hey Red Fan Awesome program!!! Thx Bro
Re: New home made sound.Download and enjoy.
Posted: 11 Feb 2011, 16:11
by larossa
hello, I'm Italian and fans of the legendary Toto seeking a piano sound with a carpet of used violins as D. Paich. and the sound of brass as in parts of Rosanna. thanks in advance
PS:red fan you're great
Re: New home made sound.Download and enjoy.
Posted: 12 Feb 2011, 17:43
by Red Fan
This what not easy to create, you have to download and listen.
If you want a good brass-sound and real violins you must by a Nord Wave.
That keboard is outstading.
best regards/Red Fan.
Re: New home made sound.Download and enjoy.
Posted: 16 Feb 2011, 11:34
by Johannes
Red Fan wrote:If you have a sound you be i can help you and give you a solution
of your`problem..just ask here on the superb Nord Stage Forum.
Best Regards/ Nord Fan.
Indeed nice sound, the FX work nice on the Synth sounds!! In particular nice for very soft changes between major/minor!
Just created a small mp3 sample so people that do not have their keyboard nearby can appreciate the sound more easily.
In fact, don't need to be a techie to do so, just record a small sample using your favorite DAW or Audacity for that matter and upload it here, then use the "Place Inline" button.
Nice patch indeed!
Cheers Johannes
Re: New home made sound.Download and enjoy.
Posted: 16 Feb 2011, 14:09
by Red Fan
Thank`s rock.
Re: New home made sound.Download and enjoy.
Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 11:15
by AgoZone
I recently bought an Electro 3 and would like to now if I can use all the Stage sounds as well on my keyboard?
Re: New home made sound.Download and enjoy.
Posted: 20 Feb 2011, 23:13
by Red Fan
Hi AgoZone! You can not use the sounds from the Stage into the El-3..but you have a bunch off sounds
on take a look at all the sounds you can download there.
Ex: melotron choir,strings,brass,minimoog, proffet 5 ...for a start.
have the best .../ RED.
Re: New home made sound.Download and enjoy.
Posted: 28 Feb 2011, 08:37
by AgoZone
Thanx Red for your answer, I 'll do that right away!