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Midi receive data adjusting for drawbars and controllers

Posted: 03 Oct 2014, 18:55
by happynotes

I'm trying to play the C2 from my hammond XK3c keyboard, does anyone know how to set the midi receive values for drawbars and other controllers of the C2 to fit exactly to the midi out data sent by the XK3c ? (or the other way around?)



Re: Midi receive data adjusting for drawbars and controllers

Posted: 04 Oct 2014, 19:05
by pablomastodon
Hi Happy,

It is not possible to reassign the midi cc numbers on the Nord internally. It is not likely that the Hammond will allow this either. If you absolutely have to do this, it can be done my remapping the controllers values between the two. A PC running Midi-Ox can do this.

