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c1 froze! any help appreciated

Posted: 14 Oct 2014, 19:02
by C1lover
I was just wondering if anyone could help. Last night I was playing a gig when my C1 cut out, leaving 2 of the drawbar LEDs lit. I turned it back on and then ALL the LEDs on the organ were lit up and no sound!!.

I really can't explain how much I love this organ, and I use it a lot. In the 4/5 years I have had it there hasn't been the slightest problem.

Someone told me that they think the electrics at this venue are a bit dicky, so would anyone know if this could cause the problem? Or more importantly, how to fix it?

I bought the organ from ebay so point of purchase is a no go.

Any help/info would be hugely appreciated.

Thanks guys.

Re: c1 froze! any help appreciated

Posted: 15 Oct 2014, 02:12
by Michael Wright
I would indeed investigate the flaky power issue. Is it still doing it at home?

Re: c1 froze! any help appreciated

Posted: 15 Oct 2014, 05:09
by pablomastodon
Any damage done by a venue's "dicky" power supply is apparently already done, so not much point in investigating that. Often the "dickiness" is only apparent when the subs are kicking and the sub amps are sucking heavy current.

In any event, unless you are prepared to heat up a soldering iron and performing surgery on your instrument yourself, you'll want to take your C1 to someone qualified to that task. Clearly, the instrument is suffering from a hardware issue. There will be no magic button combination which you can it to suddenly make everything all better again.

Sorry to be blunt about it, but based on the symptoms you reported, that seems to be the situation. Good luck with repair.



Re: c1 froze! any help appreciated

Posted: 16 Oct 2014, 12:27
by C1lover
Many Thanks guys!
I got the C1 back to the studio and it seems fine, powering up and sounding good. Think I'll still have to source someone to have a look at it though just to make sure, as Pablo said, sounds very much like there could be some damage to the hardware.

I really appreciate the responses and advice.
Thanks again

Re: c1 froze! any help appreciated

Posted: 16 Oct 2014, 13:21
by Michael Wright
I have had bad power in venues with my C2. It can become quite erratic. A power conditioner in those situations may help.

Re: c1 froze! any help appreciated

Posted: 19 Jan 2016, 22:52
by wkrbee
I learned years ago to bring a UPS/voltage regulator/constant voltage transformer with me on gigs.After having my DX7-I know looong time ago- continually reboot and my analog synths detune during solos when the stage lights came up-line voltage would drop to 90VAC sometimes depending upon the venue.

Re: c1 froze! any help appreciated

Posted: 25 Jan 2016, 03:57
by dlargent
I had a similar experience with my C2, which I've had since 2011.

I had the C2 set up in my music teacher's studio for a lesson. The LEDs did something weird, and the keyboard stopped making any sound, even after turning it off and on several times. When I got it home, it worked fine.

I've used the keyboard at least a thousand times, and this malfunction happened only once.

Good luck!