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Nord Stage 2 memory upgrade possible

Posted: 05 Aug 2015, 07:19
by Micah
Anyone think its possible to upgrade the memory now since NS2 ex is out? I think its 500mb more space which is twice as much space. Very nice. Im thinking its basically same piano just more space. I feel like Nord should give us the option to take them to authorized repair shop and order more eprom memory. Idk any suggestions or thoughts...just thinking out loud staring at price tag on the new ex's feeling a little jealous. Lol

Re: Nord Stage 2 memory upgrade possible

Posted: 05 Aug 2015, 07:51
by pablomastodon
This is not possible.



Re: Nord Stage 2 memory upgrade possible

Posted: 05 Aug 2015, 15:09
by Micah
Pablo please explain if you can. Didnt it it work for the Nord lead 2? ... t8788.html

I was also looking around at some IC EEPROM chips and they are pretty cheap. Nord gives of this vibe they are a thousand maybe im on the wrong site but bought in bulk there under 10 bucks for 1GB(128mbx8) chips. ... ageSize=25
Why couldnt you flash the Nord stage 2 rom and burn it on a a higher memory same type of EEPROM? Thoughts?

Re: Nord Stage 2 memory upgrade possible

Posted: 05 Aug 2015, 15:31
by analogika
That link is talking about upgrading operating systems (for which you used to need to replace EPROM chips that the system was stored on, and which on newer machines is done via USB onto fixed FlashROM chips).

You are asking to upgrade storage space, which is a bunch of chips with fixed capacity soldered onto the main board.

It's sort of like upgrading your computer to Windows 10 vs. adding a bigger hard drive — they're completely different things.

Re: Nord Stage 2 memory upgrade possible

Posted: 05 Aug 2015, 15:38
by Micah
analogika wrote:That link is talking about upgrading operating systems (for which you used to need to replace EPROM chips that the system was stored on, and which on newer machines is done via USB onto fixed FlashROM chips).

You are asking to upgrade storage space, which is a bunch of chips with fixed capacity soldered onto the main board.

It's sort of like upgrading your computer to Windows 10 vs. adding a bigger hard drive — they're completely different things.
Gotchya. I thought the rom and flash were one in the same thing. I understand. If the flash epprom is separate and fixed how feasible would it be to desolder this and resolder higher flash ? 500mb is such a limitation. I hate it. If its no possible its worth it to sell and buy the new ns2 ex. Its really a deal breaker. Double the space would be nicer. I wish it could be quadroupled honestly.

Re: Nord Stage 2 memory upgrade possible

Posted: 05 Aug 2015, 15:57
by analogika
That depends upon how good you are at desoldering and re-soldering surface-mounted chips (I have no idea whether you'd have to replace some supporting chips and rewrite part of the software, as well). ;)

This is the logic board of a stage 2, with the synth sample memory at top, and the piano memory at bottom:


Re: Nord Stage 2 memory upgrade possible

Posted: 05 Aug 2015, 16:10
by pablomastodon
Hi Micah,

Much has been written in this forum about the nature of the memory used for storage in Nord keyboards, relating both to size and data transfer rates. Some of it is technical beyond my meager knowledge base, but there are legitimate reasons for this. The memory used in discount thumb drives found on the counter at the grocery store checkout lines at $10/GB is not the same stuff as what goes into Nords.

Slapping larger memory chips into an NS2 will not automatically provide access to that additional memory. To borrow your NL2 reference as an example, that instrument can take a PCMCIA card to add an additional 64k for program/performance storage, but if you plug in a 1MB card, you'll still only get 64k additional storage.

If you want more memory, buy the instrument with more memory in it. I'm not in sales, but my understanding is that the price point is the same as previously (aside: this disposes of the "Nord price-gouging" argument). Speaking personally, it's not a huge deal and I'm happy with ny regular NS2. I really wouldn't care to deal with loading times needed to backup/restore a maxxed out NS2EX, and I don't feel the need to load tons of XL or even L grand pianos all at once. But that's just me... Quadrupled piano memory would be a nightmare. A maxxed NS2 already takes 45+ minutes to restore/backup.

It is generically true in the electronics industry (I think) that the software guys are continually pushing the envelope of what can be done, while waiting for the hardware guys to catch up. In future there will no doubt be larger capacity memory available at lower prices and faster data transfer rates. When that happens, things will improve -- but the software guys will already have pushed to stretch those limits. Nature of the beast.





Re: Nord Stage 2 memory upgrade possible

Posted: 05 Aug 2015, 16:15
by pablomastodon
analogika wrote:I have no idea whether you'd have to replace some supporting chips and rewrite part of the software, as well
not sure about the supporting chips, but yes, the software would need modifications, too.

Additionally, this would then give rise to aftermarket strangeness. Some NS2s would be modded and others not and no indication on the outside. Something of a nightmare for ebay buyers.

It is what it is. My NS2 has been a great instrument for me for 4+ years and the fact that a newer one with double piano memory is now available in no way reduces the performance value of my instrument, only market value. Is there some other keyboard maker on the planet whose instruments hold value as well as Nord? Try listing your 4-year old Motif on eBay and see what you get for it as a percentage of original purchase price.


Re: Nord Stage 2 memory upgrade possible

Posted: 06 Aug 2015, 08:13
by Micah
@analogika thanks for awesome diagram of insides. This is neat to look at and a great visual aid of whats going on.

@pablo thanks for the insight on the price point vs functionality debate. Btw i would have to search around
for percentages but i can say i just recently sold my NS2 as of today with case and pedals for 2700. Idk if thats good or not(what donu guys think?). I was sad to see big red go. But i do desire more space. Dont get me wrong it wasnt the main reason i sold it. Mainly i need to liquidate assetts and basically get something cheaper. Thanks for the feedback and giving me this information. Nord is a niche market i guess. Either in or out. Lol. Got my sights on the ex though.