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Half moon switch operate KBR-3D rotor?

Posted: 07 Aug 2015, 20:52
by C2-Dave
Does anyone know if the Nord half moon switch can be made to operate the rotor speed of a Motion Sound KBR-3D? The KBR uses a 2 button stomp box; one button controls fast / slow rotor, the other button is stop. I tried plugging the nord half moon directly into the KBR, (quite a while ago) and it sort of worked. Either it toggled the rotor from fast to slow, but wouldn't stop it, or toggled from fast to stop, but not slow... don't remember exactly. Both nord half moon and motion sound stomp box are wired to stereo 1/4" plug, so I'm thinking some kind of adapter could be made. Anyone tried this?

Re: Half moon switch operate KBR-3D rotor?

Posted: 09 Aug 2015, 19:43
by Mooser
Well, I don't know if a half-moon will do it, but the new-style (double toggle switch) Leslie switch adapts pretty easily to replace the Motion Sound stomp-box. The indicator lights even work. Very easy to wire to a TRS plug, (plugs into the MS, not the organ) and a little velcro will hold the switch under the console. Controls both 'fast-slow' or 'stop-fast' or 'stop-slow.'
Plus, those new-style switches are usually pretty cheap, if bought used.

Re: Half moon switch operate KBR-3D rotor?

Posted: 10 Aug 2015, 00:29
by C2-Dave
Thanks for that info - I'll look into that solution. Is what you're describing 2 toggle switches mounted in one box?

Re: Half moon switch operate KBR-3D rotor?

Posted: 11 Aug 2015, 17:23
by ebowen4221
If the KBR-3D is the same as the PRO-145, then yes it will.

I use my half moon on both, however it is a half moon that I made for the pro-145. It just happened to work for the Nord C2

Re: Half moon switch operate KBR-3D rotor?

Posted: 12 Aug 2015, 19:53
by Mooser
" Is what you're describing 2 toggle switches mounted in one box?"

Yes, but a small box, made to go under a console. Go to the Hammond/Suzuki site, and you can see them.