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Sustain pedal with C2?
Posted: 27 Nov 2015, 10:28
by Quai34
Why, there is no sustain pedal on a B3, so, when do you use it? Isn't the sound/effect weird?
Re: Sustain pedal with C2?
Posted: 27 Nov 2015, 16:48
by maxpiano
The C2 can also be used as a master keyboard (sending velocity too) as you can read in the manual, so Sustain pedal is good to have
With regards to using it with the C2 internal engine, it depends on the usage intention: you may want to hold a chord and then play with drawbars or other settings with the freed hand (?); yes not possibile on a real B3, but clones have the capability to extend rather than just replicate, can't they?
Re: Sustain pedal with C2?
Posted: 27 Nov 2015, 20:23
by Quai34
Okay.....yes, as I usually use the Stage 2 as a master keyboard, I 've never thought about this one....and to sustain a chord....ok, thanks....
Re: Sustain pedal with C2?
Posted: 12 Dec 2015, 18:36
by tacitus
Also, if you're out without your pedalboard, you can use a sustain pedal to give you; literally, pedal notes that would otherwise tie up one or more fingers on the manuals.