Changing Octave (Logic MIDI recording)

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Changing Octave (Logic MIDI recording)

Post by johnkristiansson »


I recently bought a Nord Electro 4D and it's great.
I do have one problem.
When I use my Nord as a Midi controller in Logic (through midi cable to my interface) the octaves don't shift
when I press the Octave +/- buttons.
Does anyone know how to do this?

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Re: Changing Octave (Logic MIDI recording)

Post by baekgaard »

Transpose in Logic?
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Re: Changing Octave (Logic MIDI recording)

Post by johnkristiansson »

How do you mean? I don't think that Logic can affect the incoming information.
I could of course use a pitch shifter as a plug-in but it sounds kind of funny.
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Re: Changing Octave (Logic MIDI recording)

Post by dhbp-nord »

There are many midi-transpose plugins that will affect only the midi. Or you could program whatever patch on your target device/ plugin to shift the octave.

I don't own Logic but I would think there must be something built-in that would transpose incoming midi.

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Re: Changing Octave (Logic MIDI recording)

Post by baekgaard »

Yes, a midi-transpose plugin (or something equivalent) would do the trick.

The stage series (at least the NS3) has a setting called "MIDI Transpose at". This controls whether the transpose button affects MIDI that is being sent (only) or MIDI that is being received (only).

I don't think the Electro series (at least not my E3) has an equivalent menu setup; the default on your seems to be transpose at input only.

So the alternative is to use a MIDi transpose plugin, change the settings of your instrument or possibly (in some cases) moving all notes one octave up or down after you have recorded them, manually, in Logic.
Last edited by baekgaard on 10 Sep 2017, 19:22, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Changing Octave (Logic MIDI recording)

Post by johnkristiansson »

Brilliant. I did not know of the transpose function in Logic!
Thank you so much!
Last edited by johnkristiansson on 12 Sep 2017, 11:24, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Changing Octave (Logic MIDI recording)

Post by baekgaard »

You're welcome :-)
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Re: Changing Octave (Logic MIDI recording)

Post by Jokel »

Hey there, I just read about your Problem and I also struggle with something very similar...
for me the option of just transposing everything after I recorded doesn't work unfortunately because I want to record some midi drums.
I also use the Nord Electro 4d.

The Drumsounds start a fews keys below the lowest Key of my Nord-Keyboard. So unfortunately I just can just reach half of all the available sounds :(
pressing the octave shift on the Nord doesn't work and I never used any Plugins so far, so I don't really know how it works to use a transpose plugin, an if it will help for this particular problem.

Hopefully someone out there can help me :)

Thanks to y'all!
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