Who uses an effect pedal

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Who uses an effect pedal

Post by matje »

I wonder who uses a effect pedal with the Nord on stage.

The effects on the NS3 are great, but I use also a Specular Tempus from GFI Systems for better reverbe. In the moment I’m doubting to change it for the Bigskye.
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Re: Who uses an effect pedal

Post by cphollis »

matje wrote: 10 Feb 2025, 08:39 I wonder who uses a effect pedal with the Nord on stage.

The effects on the NS3 are great, but I use also a Specular Tempus from GFI Systems for better reverbe. In the moment I’m doubting to change it for the Bigskye.
Starting with the NS3 I gave up bringing external FX to gigs -- the built-in ones were good enough for what I was playing. My Neo Vent and Strymon pedals haven't seen daylight in years. I love being able to control everything from a single panel!

Now with the NS4 (and individual FX channels), using external FX would be a big downgrade.
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Re: Who uses an effect pedal

Post by Afghanza »

When I got my NE5D, I tried all sorts of pedals with it (Small Stone, Small Clone, drives) and came to the conclusion the internal fx sounded better (to my ears). So I was happy to be able to ‘just’ use the Electro.
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Re: Who uses an effect pedal

Post by tsss27 »

I have a variety of pedals. For delay, Strymon El Capistan V2 is great on anything, as is UA Starlight. For reverb either a Meris Mercury7 or UA Golden works well.
There are other pedals I own but these are the ones I would use on a Nord which I feel offer upgrades to the built-in effects. For modulation I think the effects on the board are perfectly fine already. Same with the amp simulations, I have an amp sim pedal but I use it on a different board.
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Re: Who uses an effect pedal

Post by rickp »

I still use a Vent sometimes for recording when mic'ing a Leslie isn't an option, but zooming in on your "on stage" question, a sound/lighting crew squashing my Radial Key Largo power supply two minutes before showtime a few years ago launched me on a massive "simplification" effort -- resulting in the only externals I use for the Stage 4 (and previously the Stage 3) being a Radial JDI Stereo D.I. for the main stereo channels 1 and 2 outs and a Radial JDI single channel D.I. for my LH bass dedicated channel 4 output -- and both of those D.I.'s are passive, so I don't even have to worry about begging for phantom power.

I concur with cphollis that the onboard effects are good enough for live work, plus the flexibility of the Stage 4's effects and the ability to make/save subtle changes (switch to/from close mic for more/less leslie intensity, for example) are a great advantage over an external pedal.

So, the desire to minimize possible on-stage equipment issues coupled with the ease of use and quality of the Stage's onboards make external pedals a no-go for me. I also think that being able to fully focus on the music, tone, and tempo rather than occasionally shifting focus to utilizing external gear likely results in an overall product that outweighs any marginal effects improvements that external pedals might provide.
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