Bundle from instrument using new sound manager

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Bundle from instrument using new sound manager

Post by DanielD71 »

I had many stages, but never really used bundle.
So I decided to test on my NS4 (latest firmware installed).

I was able to download from the keyboard my user programs and user sample from bank g.

But when I tried to bundle up (from the instrument) the Bank G (only 12 programs), it doesn’t do anything.

Nothing is shown on the stage display and on the sound manager, the progress bar at the bottom is barely started and the button at the right is showed as Cancel.

Doesn’t seems to work so I cancel it after 10 minutes.

My Mac is an M1 Pro 14 latest OS.

Do bundling backup from your instrument to you computer, is it working with the latest sound manager?
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Re: Bundle from instrument using new sound manager

Post by DanielD71 »

Sorry , I thought I had the latest version. I had 9.10 and a new release 9.12 fixed that exact issue.

Weird coincidence to test something I never did and it failed on that version I updated a few days ago.


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